Download KUHS MBBS First Year First Year 103001 Physiology Paper I Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS First Year (1st Year) First Year 103001 Physiology Paper I Question Paper.

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Q.P. Code: 103001 Reg. no.: ?
First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations - August 2015
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
? Answer all questions
? Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. A 30 years old lady presented with history of cough and breathlessness that got
worse during the winter months every year. She also complained of occasional
whistling sounds arising from the chest during breathing. Answer the following :
? What is the most likely clinical diagnosis of her condition
? What major findings would her pulmonary function tests show
? What kind of medication would she likely benefit from
? Depict the different lung volumes and capacities with the help of a neatly labeled
? what is the significance of residual volume
Short essays
(2x5 =10)
2. Describe the peculiarities of the coronary circulation
3. Describe the mechanism of gastric acid secretion
Answer briefly (5x3=15)
4. Renal clearance
5. Bombay blood group
6. Deglutition reflex
7. Hyperthermia
8. Peripheral chemo receptors
Draw and label (2x2? =5)
9. Cystometrogram
10. Respiratory membrane
Explain the physiological basis of the following (5x2=10)
11. Change of posture from supine to standing causes tachycardia
12. Prolonged stay at high altitude increases the hematocrit
13. Hemoglobin saturation in arterial blood is usually less than 100%
14. Partial gastrectomy results in anemia
15. Raised intracranial pressure causes bradycardia and hypertension
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This post was last modified on 11 November 2019