Download MBBS 3rd Week Embryo Changes Lecture PPT

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 3rd Week Embryo Changes PowerPoint PPT presentation

Summary of first week.
Fertilization and formation of the zygote (30 hours).
Cleavage of the zygote into 12 to 16 blastomere- the
Morula (day 2 and 3 ).
Formation of the blastocyst (day 5-8).

Summary of second week.
v Bilaminar germ disc.
v Complete implantation on uterine wall.
v Trophoplast - Differentiated into two layers.
v Two cavities formed - Amniotic cavity and
Extra embryonic coelomic cavity (Chorionic Cavity)
v Two layers of extra embryonic mesoderm -
Somatopleuric and Splanchnopleuric.
v Beginning of Uteroplacental Circulation.

3rd week
of development

The most characteristic event
occurring during the third week is
gastrulation, which begins with
the appearance of the primitive
streak, which has at its cephalic end
the primitive node. In the region
of the node and streak, epiblast
cel s move inward (invaginate) to
form new cel layers, endoderm
and mesoderm.
Cel s that do not migrate through the
streak but remain in the epiblast form
ectoderm. Hence, epiblast gives
rise to al three germ layers in the
embryo, ectoderm, mesoderm,
and endoderm, and these layers
form al of the tissues and organs .

The 3rd week of embryonic development is characterized by :
1. Appearance of primitive streak
2. Development of notochord
3. Differentiation of three germ layers
? Gastrulation:
?This is the formation of 3 germ layers in embryos.
? During gastrulation, the bilaminar embryonic disc is converted
into a trilaminar embryonic disc.
?Extensive cell shape changes, rearrangement, movement, and
changes in adhesive properties contribute to the process of
?Gastrulation is the beginning of morphogenesis (development of
body form) and is the significant event occurring during the 3rd

?The 1st morphologic sign of gastrulation begins with formation of the
primitive streak on the surface of the epiblast of the embryonic disc
?During this period, the embryo may be referred to as a gastrula
?the 3 germ layers are
? and endoderm
?Each of these layers gives rise to specific tissues and organs
?Embryonic ectoderm: gives rise to the epidermis, central and
peripheral nervous systems(CNS & PNS), the eye, and inner ear,
neural crest cells
?Embryonic mesoderm gives rise to all skeletal muscles, blood cells
and the lining of blood vessels, all visceral smooth muscular coats, the
serosal linings of all body cavities, the ducts and organs of the
reproductive and excretory systems, and most of the cardiovascular

? In the trunk, it is the source of all connective tissues, including
cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, dermis, and stroma of internal
?Embryonic endoderm gives rise to the epithelial linings of the
respiratory and alimentary (digestive) tracts, including the glands
opening into the gastrointestinal tract and the glandular cells of
associated organs such as the liver and pancreas.
?Primitive streak
?The first sign of gastrulation is the appearance of the primitive
?The primitive streak results from the proliferation and movement of
cells of the epiblast to the median plane of the embryonic disc
?At the beginning of the 3rd week, the primitive streak appears
caudally (tail end) in the median plane of the dorsal (posterior) aspect
of the embryonic disc .

There are five subdivisions
of Embryonic mesoderm:
Paraxial mesoderm
Intermediate mesoderm
Lat plate mesoderm
Cardiogenic mesoderm
In median plate
Prechordal plate and

In the development of vertebrate
animals, the prechordal plate is a
"uniquely thickened portion" of
the endoderm that is in contact
with ectoderm immediately rostral to
the cephalic tip of the notochord. It
is the most likely origin of the rostral
cranial mesoderm

View of dorsal surface of bilaminar embryonic disc through sectioned amnion and
yolk sac. Inset at upper left shows relation of the embryo to the wall of the chorionic
cavity. The primitive streak, now 1 day old, occupies 50% of the length of the
embryonic disc. The future positions of oropharyngeal and cloacal membranes are

Formation of the primitive streak also defines all major body axes. The
primitive streak forms in the caudal midline of the embryonic disc, thus
defining the cranial-caudal axis and medial-lateral axis (with the
primitive streak forming in the midline, that is, most medially).

As the primitive streak elongates by addition of cells to its caudal
end, its cranial end proliferates to form a primitive node.
Concurrently, a narrow groove called the primitive groove develops
in the primitive streak .This `primitive groove' is continuous with a
small depression in the primitive node called the primitive pit.
Shortly after the primitive streak appears, cells leave its deep surface
and form mesenchyme (a tissue consisting of loosely arranged cells
suspended in a gelatinous matrix).
Mesenchymal cells are ameboid and actively phagocytic.
Mesenchyme forms the supporting tissues of the embryo, such as
most of the connective tissues of the body and the connective tissue
framework of glands

Events in Gastrulation:
Cell proliferation:
Formation of the primitive streak heralds the beginning of gastrulation.
During gastrulation, epiblast cells move toward the primitive streak,
enter the primitive streak, and then migrate away from the primitive
streak as individual cells. The movement of cells through the
primitive streak and into the interior of the embryo is called ingression

The main event that occurs during the third week of
development is the formation of the trilaminar
embryo from bilaminar germ disc. This process is
called gastrulation.
The first sign of gastrulation is the formation of the
primitive streak in the epiblast .

Because formation of the primitive streak occurs in the midline, when
the epiblast is viewed looking down at it from inside the amniotic cavity,
what lies to the right of the primitive streak represents the right side of
the embryo and what lies to the left represents its left side .
Formation of Definitive Endoderm
On day 16, epiblast cells lateral to the primitive streak begin to move
into the primitive streak where they undergo an epithelial-to-mesen
chymal transformation (EMT).
This collective
movement of cells through
the primitive streak and
into the interior of the
embryo to form the three
primary germ layers
constitutes gastrulation .


Some mesenchyme forms mesoblast (undifferentiated mesoderm),
which forms the intraembryonic or embryonic mesoderm .
Cells from the epiblast, as well as from the primitive node and other
parts of the primitive streak migrate in order to displace the hypoblast
This inward movement is known as invagination.
Cell migration and specification are controlled by fibroblast growth
factor 8 (FGF8), which is synthesized by streak cells themselves
Once the cells have invaginated, some displace the hypoblast, creating
the embryonic endoderm, and others come to lie between the epiblast
and newly created endoderm to form mesoderm.
Cells remaining in the epiblast then form ectoderm
In summary, cells of the epiblast, through the process of
gastrulation, give rise to all 3 germ layers in the embryo,
the primordia of all its tissues and organs.

Fate of the Primitive Streak
The primitive streak actively forms mesoderm by the ingression of
cells until the early part of the fourth week; thereafter, production of
mesoderm slows down.
The primitive streak diminishes in relative size and becomes an
insignificant structure in the sacrococcygeal region of the embryo
Normally the primitive streak undergoes degenerative changes and
disappears by the end of the 4th week
Clinical correlate: Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
Remnants of the primitive streak may persist and give rise to a
sacrococcygeal teratoma. Because they are derived from pluripotent
primitive streak cells, these tumors contain tissues derived from all
three germ layers in incomplete stages of differentiation
Sacrococcygeal teratomas are the most common tumor in newborns
and have an incidence of approximately one in 35,000. most affected
infants (80%) are female. These are usually diagnosed on routine
antenatal ultrasonography, and most tumors are benign.
These tumors are usually surgically excised promptly, and the
prognosis is good.

Cell migration
by amoeboid movement ? the cells insinuate themselves
between the epiblast and hypoblast
Cell determination:
- the cells arising from the primitive streak are determined
to give rise to different tissues

Dorsal view of the germ disc showing the
primitive streak and a fate map for epiblast cel s.
Specific regions of the epiblast migrate through
dif erent parts of the node and streak to form
mesoderm. Thus, cel s migrating at the cranial
most part of the node wil form the notochord;
those migrating more posteriorly through the
node and cranial most aspect of the streak wil
form paraxial mesoderm (pm; somitomeres and
somites); those migrating through the next
portion of the streak wil form intermediate
mesoderm (im; urogenital system); those
migrating through the more caudal part of the
streak wil form lateral plate mesoderm (lpm;
body wal ); and those migrating through the
most caudal part wil contribute to
extraembryonic mesoderm (eem; chorion).

1. Ectoderm develops into CNS (induced by mesoderm and skin)
2. Endoderm forms the lining of the Alimentary System and
Respiratory System.
3. Mesoderm forms the CVS (induced by endoderm)

Embryonic mesoderm gives rise to all skeletal muscles, blood cells, the lining of blood
vessels, all visceral smooth muscular coats, serosal linings of all body cavities, ducts
and organs of the reproductive and excretory systems, and most of the cardiovascular
? In the body (trunk or torso), excluding the head and limbs, it is the source of all
connective tissues, including cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, dermis, and
stroma (connective tissue) of internal organs.
? Head - connective tissues is derived from Neural Crest cells.
? In Limb - Intially, the limb bud mesenchyme consists exclusively of
cells derived from the lateral plate mesoderm. These cells give rise
to the skeleton, connective tissue, and some blood vessels. Mesenchymal
cells derived from the somites migrate into the limb bud as precursors
of muscle and endothelial cells.
Midline mesoderm forms notochord.
Paraxial mesoderm gives rise to myotomes (skeletal muscle); sclerotomes
(vertebra); and dermatomes (dermis).

Notochordal process and notochord
Notochordal process
? Some mesenchymal cells that have ingressed through the streak, acquired
mesodermal cell and migrate cranially from the primitive node and pit, forming a
median cellular cord, the notochordal process .
This process soon acquires a lumen, the notochordal canal.
The notochordal process grows cranially between the ectoderm and endoderm until it
reaches the prechordal plate, a small circular area of columnar endodermal cells
where the ectoderm and endoderm are in contact .The prechordal plate is the
primordium of the oropharyngeal
membrane, located at the future
site of the oral cavity. Caudal to the
primitive streak there is a circular
area-the cloacal membrane, which
indicates the future site of the anus.

Cranially on each side of the notochordal process is a region of
mesoderm called the cardiogenic region(area),This region lies rostral
(anterior/cranial) to the prochordal plate, and it is where the
primordium heart begins to develop at the end of the third week .
The embryonic disc remains bilaminar at the cloaca and oropharyngeal

This is because the embryonic ectoderm and endoderm are fused at
these sites, thereby preventing migration of mesenchymal cells (which
form mesoderm) between them. By the middle of the 3rd week,
intraembryonic mesoderm separates the ectoderm and endoderm
everywhere except :-
I. At the oropharyngeal
membrane cranially.
II. In the median plane
cranial to the primitive
node, where the
notochordal process is
III. at the cloacal
membrane caudally.

? Notochord is a rod of mesenchymal cells
?located in the midline
?extending cranially from the primitive node to the buccopharyngeal
membrane .

embryo seen
from above
Cut end of
Amniotic sac
Cut end of
Yolk sac

Formation of the notochord
1. The notochordal process elongates by invagination of cells from
the primitive pit (fig 1a & b)
Fig 1a

Fig 1b

2. The primitive pit extends into the notochordal process, forming a
notochordal canal (fig 2a & b)
Fig 2a
Fig 2b

3 The floor of the notochordal process fuses with the underlying
embryonic endoderm (fig 3a)
The fused layers gradually undergo degeneration, resulting in the
formation of openings in the floor of the notochordal process, which
brings the notochordal canal into communication with the umbilical
vesicle (fig 3b)
Fig 3b343
Fig 3a

The openings rapidly become confluent and the floor of the
notochordal canal disappears (fig 4)
Fig 4

6. The floor of the tube and the underlying endoderm fuse and then break
down, forming a notochordal plate
The notochordal plate becomes continuous with the endodermal layer

A temporary communication is established between the amniotic cavity
and the yolk sac, termed the neurenteric canal

Notochordal plate folds to form the notochord,which gets separated from
the underlying endoderm

Functions of Notochord
v Defines primordial axis of the embryo Provides
rigidity to the embryo.
v Serves as a basis for the development of the axial
skeleton Contributes to the intervertebral discs.
v Regulates differentiation of surrounding structures
including the overlying ectoderm and the mesoderm.

Fate of notochord
?Degenerates and disappears as the
bodies of the vertebrae develop
?The part that lies between the
vertebral bodies persists as the
intervertebral disc
?Remnants of notochordal tissue
give rise to tumors called
?Approximately one third of
chordomas occur at the base of the
cranium and extend to the

Differentiation of the Intraembryonic Mesoderm
?Induced by the notochord
?Differentiates into the:
?Paraxial mesoderm
?Intermediate cell
?Lateral plate


?The embryonic period, or period of organogenesis, occurs
from the third to the eighth weeks of development and is the
time when each of the three germ layers, ectoderm,
mesoderm, and endoderm, gives rise to a number of specific
tissues and organs
?By the end of the embryonic period, the main organ
systems have been established, rendering the major features
of the external body form recognizable by the end of the
second month.

? It is the process by which the neural tube is formed
? During neurulation, the embryo may be referred to as a
? The stages of neurulation include the formation of:
?Neural plate
?Neural groove
?Neural folds & their fusion
?Neural crest cells
?Neural tube


Onset of Neurulation

Under the inducing
effect of the
notochord, the
ectodermal cells
thickens to form the
neural plate.

At first the neural
? cranial to the
primitive node
?dorsal(posterior) to
the developing
notochord & the
mesoderm adjacent to
? corresponds in
length to the
underlying notochord

As the notochord
forms & elongates:
?The embryonic disc
elongates and
becomes club-shaped
?The neural plate
broadens and extends
cranially as far as the
? later on grows
beyond the notochord


On 18th day: the neural plate invaginates to form neural
groove & neural folds


Some neuroectodermal cells along the crest of the neural fold
differentiate as the neural crest cells.
vNote: (neuroectoderm: the ectoderm of the neural plate )
Neural crest cel
Neural fold

By the end of 3rd week, the neural folds
move to the midline and fuse to form the
neural tube.

Following fusion of the
neural folds, the neural crest
cells become separated and b
move laterally to form the
sensory neurons of the spinal
(dorsal root) ganglia.

Neurulation: Formation of the Neural

By the end of 3rd week, the neural folds move to the midline and fuse
to form the neural tube
The neural tube separates from the surface ectoderm, lies in the
midline, dorsal to the notochord.

?The cranial of
the neural tube
represent the future
?The caudal
represents the
future spinal cord

?Neural tube is open
at both ends,
communicating freely
with the amniotic
?The cranial
opening, the rostral
neuropore closes at
about 25th day while
the caudal neuropore
closes at about the
27th day( 2 days after)

Closure of the Neural Tube (Day 22)

Closure of the Neural Tube proceeds Bilaterally

Congenital anomalies
Disturbance of neurulation may result in severe
abnormalities of the brain and the spinal cord. Most defects
are the result of non-closure or defective closure of the
neural tube:
1.In the brain region (e.g. anencephaly: total absence of the brain.
2.Meroencephaly (partial absence of the brain) is the most severe
neural tube defect and is also the most common anomaly affecting
the CNS.
3.In the spinal cord regions (e.g. spina bifida)

Malformations of Neural Tube Closure
(1 in 600 births)

Types of Spina Bifida


Spinal bifida

1. Surface ectoderm
2. Neuroectoderm

Surface Ectoderm Derivatives
l Epidermis of the skin
l Hair
l Nail
l Sweat & Sebaceous glands
l Mammary glands
l Enamel of the teeth
l Lens of eye
l Internal ear
l Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

l Neural Tube
l Neural Crest Cells

Neural Tube Derivatives
l Central nervous system
l Peripheral nervous system
l Retina
l Sensory epithelia of nose & ear
l Pineal gland
l Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland

Neural Crest Cells Derivatives
l Sensory ganglia (cranial & spinal)
l Autonomic ganglia
l Meninges (Pia mater & Arachnoid mater) of the brain
& spinal cord
l Schwann cells
l Satellite cells
l Melanoblasts
l Suprarenal medulla (chromaffin cells)
l Several skeletal & muscular components in the head
(derived from pharyngeal arches)

Derivatives of mesodermal germ layer
As the notochord & neural tube form, the intraembryonic mesoderm on
each side of them proliferates to form:
I. a thick, longitudinal column of paraxial mesoderm
II. which is continuous with intermediate mesoderm which gradually
thins into
III. lateral mesoderm
v The lateral mesoderm is continuous with the extraembryonic
mesoderm covering the yolk sac & amnion.


Paraxial mesoderm:
By the beginning of the 3rd week, paraxial mesoderm is organized into
segments called somitomeres
Somitomeres appear first in the cephalic region of the embryo, and their
formation proceeds cephalocaudally (extends cranially and caudally /from
head to tail or crown to rump)
From the occipital region caudally, somitomeres further organize into
Toward the end of the 3rd week (at approximately the 20th day of
development), the 1st pair of somites arises in the occipital region
From here, new somites appear in craniocaudal sequence at a rate of
approximately 3 pairs per day
The somite period of human embryo development is from days 20 ? 30
About 38 pairs of somites are present on day 30
By the end of the 5th week, 42 to 44 pairs of somites are present

There are
? 4 occipital,
?8 cervical,
?12 thoracic,
?5 lumbar,
?5 sacral,
?and 8 to 10 coccygeal pairs
? The 1st occipital and the last 5-7 coccygeal somites later disappear
The remaining somites divide into:
a. ventromedial part called sclerotome
sclerotome gives rise to the bones, cartilages and ligaments of the
vertebral column & ribs
So, the somites give rise to most of the axial skeleton
b. Middle part called myotome
myotome gives rise to skeletal muscles of the chest and abdomen

c. Dorsolateral part called dermatome.
It gives rise to dermis and subcutaneous tissue of the skin
?Because the somites are so prominent during the 4th and 5th weeks, they
are used as one of several criteria for determining an embryo's age
Intermediate mesoderm
connects paraxial mesoderm with the lateral plate differentiates into
urogenital structures . Excretory units of the urinary system (kidney) and
the gonads (testis and ovary) develop from the intermediate mesoderm.
Lateral mesoderm
?is a thin plate of mesoderm located along the lateral sides of the embryo
?Large spaces develop in the lateral mesoderm and coalesce to from the
intraembryonic coelom

The intraembryonic coelom divides the lateral mesoderm into 2
?somatic/ parietal layer of lateral mesoderm
? splanchnic or visceral layer of lateral mesoderm
?somatic/parietal layer : is located beneath the ectodermal epithelium
and continuous with the extraembryonic mesoderm covering the amnion
? splanchnic or visceral layer: is located adjacent to the endoderm and
continuous with the extraembryonic mesoderm covering the umbilical
vesicle (yolk sac).
?The somatic mesoderm and overlying embryonic ectoderm form
the embryonic body wall or somatopleure
?whereas the splanchnic mesoderm and underlying embryonic
endoderm form the embryonic gut or splanchnopleure

During the second month, the intraembryonic coelom is divided into
three body cavities:
Pericardial cavity
Pleural cavities
Peritoneal cavity

Blood and Blood Vessels
Blood cells and blood vessels also arise from mesoderm
? Blood vessels form in two ways:
? vasculogenesis: whereby vessels arise from blood islands and
?angiogenesis, which entails sprouting from existing vessels
A) Mesenchymal Vasculogenesis ( blood vessels)
cells differentiate into endothelial precursors called angioblasts (vessel-
forming cells)
Angioblasts aggregate to form blood islands. Small cavities appear within the
blood islands. Angioblasts flatten and arrange themselves around the cavities
to form endothelial cells of blood vessels.
These endothelium ? lined cavities soon fuse to form networks of endothelial
B : Angiogenesis: entails sprouting from existing vessels .

Blood cells formation
blood cells(hamatoblasts) develop from the endothelial cells of vessels
develop on the umbilical vesicle(yolk sac) and allantois at the end of the
3rd week
Blood formation (hematogenesis) does not begin in the embryo until the
fifth week.
It occurs first along the aorta and then in various parts of the embryonic
mesenchyme, mainly, the liver, and later in the spleen, bone marrow, and
lymph nodes.

Primodial cardiovascular system
? Heart & great vessels develop from mesenchymal cells in the
cardiogenic area.
? Paired longitudinal endothelial lined channels or endocardial heart
tubes develop during the 3rd week.
? These tubes fuse to form the heart tube.
? The tubular heart joins with blood vessels in the embryo,
connecting stalk, chorion and yolk sac to form a primordial
cardiovascular system
? Heart begins to beat on 21-22 days and blood circulates
? CVS is the first organ system to reach a functional state


Endoderm gives rise to the epithelial lining of
the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts,
parenchyma of the tonsils, thyroid and
parathyroid glands, thymus, liver, and
pancreas, epithelial lining of the urinary
bladder and most of the urethra, and the
epithelial lining of the tympanic cavity,
tympanic antrum, and pharyngotympanic
(auditory) tube

Major derivatives of the embryonic germ layers


Development of

v The dermomyotome is the dorso-lateral part of the somite.
v Cel s from the dermomyotome migrate lateral y and, as its name
implies, gives rise to
(i) the dermis of the skin.
(i ) skeletal muscle and
Each anatomical myotome is derived from the embryological
dermomyotome that is innervated by a segmental nerve and
forms a group of skeletal muscle cells and the dermis of the
corresponding segment of ectoderm.

In the meantime, the trophoblast progresses rapidly. Primary villi obtain
a mesenchymal core in which small capillaries arise. When these villous
capillaries make contact with capillaries in the chorionic plate and
connecting stalk, the villous system is ready to supply the embryo with
its nutrients and oxygen .

Thanks to you al

This post was last modified on 12 August 2021