Download PTU B-Tech AE 2020 Dec 4th Sem 72487 Automotive Chassis Systems Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU)) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) (AE)-Automobile Engineering 2020 December 4th Sem 72487 Automotive Chassis Systems Previous Question Paper

Roll No.
Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 18
B.Tech.(AE) (2012 to 2017) (Sem.?4)
Subject Code : BTAE-401/302
M.Code : 72487
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1 .
SECT ION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
2 .
SECT ION-B c ontains F IVE questions c arrying FIVE marks eac h and s tud ents
have to atte mpt any FOUR q ues tions.
3 .
SECT ION-C contains THREE questions carrying T EN marks e ach and s tudents
have to atte mpt any T WO questio ns.
Write short notes on :
1. Name the different chassis layout with respect to the drive.
2. Draw the block diagram showing camber.
3. Name any two types of front axle with their application.
4. What do you mean by non-slip differential?
5. What are the numbers of differentials used in a four-wheel drive?
6. Name any two commercial vehicles having multi drive axles in India.
7. The stopping distance of a car moving with a velocity V is 100 m, the coefficient of friction
between the tire and the road is 0.2. Neglect air resistance. Find out the velocity V?
8. What is the benefit of filling nitrogen in the tires?
9. Universal joint is used to connect ........... types of shafts.
10. Suspension spring is made up of ........... material.
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11. Describe the following components of front wheel geometry :
a) Castor
b) King pin inclination
c) Toe
12. Explain the construction details of rear axle housing.
13. Write a brief note on hydraulic and pneumatic brakes.
14. Write a short note on torque tube drive and radius rods.
15. Compare the front wheel and rear wheel drive with the suitable sketch.
16. Explain the construction and working of Ackerman and Davis Steering System with
suitable diagram. Also write its advantages.
17. Discuss the following in detail:
a) Shock absorbers
b) Double Wishbone independent suspension
18. Discuss the material of construction for tires along with their different structural patterns.
Also discuss the tire wear patterns along with their causes.
NOTE : Disclosure of Identity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request on any
page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student.
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( S 2 ) - 8 5 8

This post was last modified on 13 February 2021