Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2017 May Engineering Mechanics 1 Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2017 May Engineering Mechanics 1 Question Paper

B) lfthe coef?cient of kinetic friction is 0.35 under each body in the system shown in ?g., how far
and in what direction will body B move in 6 sec. starting from rest. Pulleys are frictionless.
B 5400 N
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere?Raigad
END Sf? , ?r?Examina?onSu ?2?); i L - ?.Oi 1
1 Semester: B. Tech Course (Computer, Electrical, EXTC and 11?)
Subject: Engineering Mechanics (EM)
Date: 2 8 AP R 2017 Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Instructions to the Students:
1. Attempt ANY FIVE Questions from Question No 1 to Question No 6.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches, diagrams etc. wherever necessary.
3. Necessary data is given in the respective questions. If such data is not given, it
means that the knowledge of that part is a part of examination.
Q. I. Attempt the following (04X3:12)
A) Explain various types of loads.
B) State Law of Parallelogram of forces. Two forces of 22 N and 45 N act away from a point. lfthe
angle between the forces is 50 ?. Find the magnitude of the resultant and the angle made by it with
the 22 N force.
C) The rectilinear motion ofa particle has its position de?ned by the relation X=t3-8t2+24t?15 m
Determine l) Position, velocity and acceleration at t = 3 sec
2) Maximum Velocity and the corresponding time
Q.2. Attempt the following (04X3=12)
A) State and prove Lami's Theorem
B) Find the location of centroid for shaded area with respect to reference axis X-Y.
u = 8 cm

C) A 4 m long ladder, weighing 160 N is resting as shown, making a 60 degree angle with the
ground. A man weighing 800 N is standing at the top of the ladder. Find the minimum force F
required to keep the ladder in equilibrium.
0.3. Attempt the following (04X3=12)
A) State and Derive the Impulse Momentum Equation.
8) A stone is dropped into a deep well. The splash/sound is heard after 2.5 seconds. Assuming the
speed of sound to be 330 m/s ,Find the depth ofthe well (take g = 9.8l m/sz).
C) Ball A of mass 0.5 Kg moving to the right with a velocity of 5 m/s has a direct central impact
with ball B of mass 0.2 Kg moving to left with a velocity of2 m/s. lfa?er impact the velocity of
ball B is observed to be 4 m/s to the right. Determine the coef?cient of restitution between the two
0.4. Attempt the following (06X2=12)
A) Two mcn,M1 of mass 50 kg and M; ofmass 75 kg, dive off the end ofa boat of mass M: 250 kg
so that their relative velocity with respect to the boat is 4 m/s, lfthe boat is initially at rest, ?nd its
?nal velocity it"
i) two men dive simultaneously.
ii) the man of mass 75 kg dives ?rst followed by the man of mass 50 kg ,
iii) the man of mass 50 kg dives ?rst followed by the man ofmass 75 kg
B) Write a note on Free Body Diagram (FBD). Explanin the various types of supports in detail with
neat FBD.
Q.5. Attempt the following (06X2=12)
A) The horizontal position of the 1000 kg block is adjusted by 6 degree wedge .lf coef?cient of
friction for all surfaces is 0.6 . Determine the least value offorce P required to move the block.
B) Explain and prove D'Alembert's principle. How will you explain the concept of dynamic
Q.6. Attempt the following (06X2=12)
A) De?ne and Explain following terms related to friction.
i) Angle of Friction
ii) Angle of Repose
iii) Coef?cient of friction %

This post was last modified on 17 May 2020