Download OU B.Sc 2016 April 3rd Year 2045 Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 3rd Year 2045 Electronics Previous Question Paper

Code No. 2045
B.Sc. Ill Year Examination, March I April 2016
Paper ? III : Digital Electronics and Microprocessor
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks. ' 100
Note: Answer all questions from Part? A and any four questions from Part? B.
PART? A (4x20: 80 Marks)
(Essay Answer Type)
t a) Explain how NAND gate produces OR AND, NOT operat
b) Discuss the features and action of the following logic cgrawt
(i) TTL logic circuit (ii) CMOS logic circuit I
C) Add (i)1112+1112+1112 (ii) 1011. 112+10110'12
d) Minimise the fourvariable logic function using K?map
2 a) Explain the action of 3 bit Full Addejg Gig cqit
b) Discuss the working of different tygis o??hlff registers.
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0) Draw the circuit of JK Master Slave Fin'Flop and explain its action
d) Explain the action of DeMuttgpig?er circuit.
3 a) Explain with a neat dlag?g?tla??mternal architecture of INTEL 8085 ,u p.
b) Discuss the vanous?ji?gwmg modes of 8085 ,u p with relevant examples.
0) Write an ALP to%%&%\the largest number In a data array.
d) Define instruction cycle machine cycle, fetch and execute cycies.
4 a) Draw thE block diagram of 8255 PP! and briefly explain the features of its different
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b); Xblatmtahe? organization of semiconductor memory.
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c) Exaiain the principle and action of successive approximation AID converter.
d) Discuss the performance parameters of D/A converters.
PART ? B (4x5 = 20 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
Note: Answer any four questions.
Convert 14210 into binary and hexadecimai.
Discuss the characteristics of logic families.
Exptain the features of different semiconductor memories.
Draw and explain the action of Half Adder Circuit.
Explain the conditional ?ags of 8085 [.1 p.
10 Write an ALP to perform decimal addition of two 8 bit numbers.
11 Discuss the salient features of stepper motor.
12 Explain the features of various hardware interrupts of tNTEL 8085,11 p.

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020