Download 1025 Biochemistry Paper II 2022 March Previous Question Paper

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1025 Biochemistry Paper II 2022 March Previous Question Paper

QP CODE : 1025

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

MBBS Phase -- I (CBME) Degree Examination - 08-Mar-2022

Time: Three Hours

Max. Marks: 100 Marks


Q.P. CODE: 1025

(QP contains three pages)

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked

Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary


2 x 10 = 20 Marks


A child of two years presented with convulsions. He was taking normal feeds, But his

mother observed mousy odour of child's urine. Urine ferric chloride test was positive.
Plasma phenylalanine was found to be elevated. He was diagnosed to have phenyl

a) What is the biochemical defect in phenyl Ketonuria?
b) Describe the catabolism of phenylalanine
c) Give the biochemical reasons for mousy odour in this case


Describe protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes. Mention three inhibitors of protein



8 x 5 =40 Marks

3. A 45 year old man presented with severe back pain and weakness. He had lost 7 kgs in last

three months. He complained of loss of appetite and fatigue. X-ray showed punched out
lesions. Urine is positive for Bence Jones protein

a) Name the disorder in above case
b) What are Bence Jones proteins?
c) What is the electrophoretic pattern that is observed in this case?


A known case of diabetes and hypertension on irregular treatment presented with swelling

of both lower limbs and puffiness of face. He was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease

a) Mention two biochemical parameters altered in CKD.
b) Explain the test to assess glomerular function of Kidney.


What is Porphyria? Write the types of porphyria. Mention enzyme defect and clinical features

of acute intermittent porphyria


How are free radicals generated? Describe the free radical scavenging systems

7. List the hormones which function with cAMP as second messenger. Describe the mechanism

of action of steroid hormones


Enumerate the reactions of purine salvage pathway. Name the disorders that is associated

with this pathway and write its clinical features


What are restriction endonucleases? Give two examples. Explain their role in Recombinant

DNA technology

10. What Is polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? Explain the steps in PCR. Write two applications

of PCR


List out the assays done for evaluation of thyroid function. Enumerate the laboratory
findings in hyperthyroidism


What is detoxification? Give two examples of detoxification by oxidative reaction


What are reference intervals? List out two pre analytical variables


What is Southern Blotting Technique? Mention its applications


Name three nucleotides and write their biological importance


What is innate and adaptive Immune response?


Give three examples of tumour markers and write their clinical Importance

18. Write the serum and urinary biochemical findings in hemolytic Jaundice

19. What are oncogenes? What are the factors that activate oncogenes?

20. What are essential amino acids? Give examples

Multiple Choice Questions

10 x 1 = 10 Marks

21 i)

Heme is converted to bilirubin in

A. Mitochondria

B. Microsomes

C. Golgi apparatus

D. Plasma membrane

21 ii) Immunogobulin which crosses placenta is

A. IgG
B. IgA

C. IgM
D. IgD

21 iii) The amino acid which do not allow formation of alpha helix is

A. Glutamate

B. Proline

C. Tyros ine
D. Histidine

21 iv) Histones are rich in

A. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid

B. Glycine and serine
C. Methionine and cysteine
D. Arginine and Histidine

21 v)

Which of the following is a termination codon?





22 I) In which of the following phase of cell cycle DNA replication takes place

A. G1
B. G2

C. S

QP CODE : 1025


22 ii)

Which of the following antioxidant enzyme Is selenium dependent?


A . G l u t a t h i o n e p e r o x i d a s e

B . Glutathione reductase

C . N AD P H o x i d a s e

D . C a t a l a s e

22 iii) Which of the following compound used in the treatment of gout Is a competitive inhibitor

of xanthine oxidase?

A . P r o b e n i c i d
B . A l l o p u r i n o l

C . Colchicine

D . Ace ta mi n o p h e n

22 iv) Normal serum level of albumin is

A . 1 . 5 t o 2 . 5 g m / d i
B . 3 . 5 t o 5 g m / d i
C . 6 t o 7 . 5 g m / d l
D . 9 to I.1 g midi

22 v)

End product of catabolism of protein is?

A . U r e a

B . U r i c a c i d
C . C r e a t i n i n e

D . Orotic acid

This post was last modified on 22 May 2022