Download Pharm D First Year 2021 March 383805 Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper

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[PHARMD 0321] MARCH 2021 Sub. Code: 3805



FIRST YEAR (2009-2010 Regulation)


Q.P. Code : 383805

Time : Three hours

Maximum : 70 Marks

I. Elaborate on:

(4 x 10 = 40)

1. Explain the preparation and assay of

a) Aluminium hydroxide Gel.
b) Potassium permanganate.

2. Draw a neat diagram of Arsenic limit test apparatus & explain the procedure and

principle behind it.

3. What are consumer Dental products? Explain dental carries and write the role of

fluorides against it. Give the preparation, properties, assay, storage and medicinal
uses of Sodium fluoride.

4. What is non-aqueous titration? Explain the types of solvents involved in non-

aqueous titration with examples.

II. Write notes on:

(6 x 5 = 30)

1. a) Name the inorganic compounds used as antidote for Cyanide poisoning. Justify

you answe
b) Define Expectorant, Sedative and Hypnotics.

2. Explain the procedure and principle behind the limit test for Iron.
3. Write the method of preparation, properties, assay and medicinal uses of ZnCl2.

4. Define Essential and Trace ions. Write about the physiological role of Iron.
5. Write a detailed note on Povidone-Iodine as antimicrobials.
6. Explain the assay of Calcium gluconate with suitable reaction.


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