Download JNTUA MBA 2018 May-June Supply 3rd Sem 14E00315 Enterprise Resource Planning Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2018 May-June Supplementary 3rd Sem 14E00315 Enterprise Resource Planning Previous Question Paper

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Code: 14E00315

MBA III Semester Supplementary Examinations May 2018
(For students admitted in 2014, 2015 & 2016 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60

(Answer the following: (05 X 10 = 50 Marks)

1 Discuss the overview of ERP, the common myths about ERP and find practical solutions for dispelling
them in the organizations.
2 ?BPR means not just change ? but dramatic change and dramatic improvement? justify the statement
with the phases of BPR process and brief the guidelines that can be followed to maximize the
chances of success.

3 Discuss the concept of business intelligence, factors influencing BI and explain the future of BI in
4 What is data mining, data warehouse and explains the connection between data warehouse and

5 What are the different modules of the ERP system and brief on how the integrated functional modules
improve the performance of an organization?
6 ?The financial application components of the ERP solution work hand in hand to improve the bottom
line? justify the statement and brief on how the finance controlling function can be integrated with ERP
systems? Why is it done?

7 Discuss the different phases of ERP implementation with appropriate illustration and why do many
ERP implementations fail.
8 Explain the nature & composition of the ERP implementation team and what is the role of external
consultants in the ERP implementation?

9 While the MNC top gun like SAP, oracle have a dominant share of the market, Indian vendors are not
to be left behind, but what is their USP?
10 Provide a detailed not on SAP business applications and solutions, its evolution, business benefits
and the key capabilities of my SAP ERP.

(Compulsory question, 01 X 10 = 10 Marks)
11 Case Study:
When the global giant ? LG electronics (LG) ? having 114 subsidiaries, more than 82,000
employees across 40 countries ?tried to harmonize its HR functions, the challenges were of a
similarly giant scale. High maintenance costs, local controls lacking transparency, inefficient decision
making, under-utilization of resources, manual processes, etc. made it difficult for LG to operate as a
global company. So it decided to take the ERP route.
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Code: 14E00315

MBA III Semester Supplementary Examinations May 2018
(For students admitted in 2014, 2015 & 2016 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60

(Answer the following: (05 X 10 = 50 Marks)

1 Discuss the overview of ERP, the common myths about ERP and find practical solutions for dispelling
them in the organizations.
2 ?BPR means not just change ? but dramatic change and dramatic improvement? justify the statement
with the phases of BPR process and brief the guidelines that can be followed to maximize the
chances of success.

3 Discuss the concept of business intelligence, factors influencing BI and explain the future of BI in
4 What is data mining, data warehouse and explains the connection between data warehouse and

5 What are the different modules of the ERP system and brief on how the integrated functional modules
improve the performance of an organization?
6 ?The financial application components of the ERP solution work hand in hand to improve the bottom
line? justify the statement and brief on how the finance controlling function can be integrated with ERP
systems? Why is it done?

7 Discuss the different phases of ERP implementation with appropriate illustration and why do many
ERP implementations fail.
8 Explain the nature & composition of the ERP implementation team and what is the role of external
consultants in the ERP implementation?

9 While the MNC top gun like SAP, oracle have a dominant share of the market, Indian vendors are not
to be left behind, but what is their USP?
10 Provide a detailed not on SAP business applications and solutions, its evolution, business benefits
and the key capabilities of my SAP ERP.

(Compulsory question, 01 X 10 = 10 Marks)
11 Case Study:
When the global giant ? LG electronics (LG) ? having 114 subsidiaries, more than 82,000
employees across 40 countries ?tried to harmonize its HR functions, the challenges were of a
similarly giant scale. High maintenance costs, local controls lacking transparency, inefficient decision
making, under-utilization of resources, manual processes, etc. made it difficult for LG to operate as a
global company. So it decided to take the ERP route.
Contd. in page 2

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Code: 14E00315

The challenges for LG:
? Location specific multiple systems leading to unclear top-level reporting, lack of optimum
resource utilization
? Location specific processes lacking transparency and automation needs for a global reporting
? Disengaged employees, limited outlook, no room for information or best practices sharing
? Limited localized resources for employee learning and training
? Challenges with decision making, with significant business impact
Selection criteria for ERP solutions:
LG?s familiarity with Oracle technology made it easier to finalize a solution. It offered large data
hosting, seamless migration of old data, easy scalability, multiple modules addition as needed and
centralized access and control. LG hired Oracle Consulting to build a single centralized system which
integrates available Oracle HR modules for uniform use at global level, thereby replacing location
specific system dependency.
(a) What are the reasons for LG electronics to go for ERP package?
(b) What criteria is considered by LG to select a particular vendor of ERP?
(c) What are the benefits achieved by LG by using ERP software in their company?


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This post was last modified on 27 July 2020