Download NTRUHS MBBS 2nd Year Microbiology Syllabus

Download NTRUHS (DR. N.T.R UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year Microbiology Syllabus



(i) Goal :
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Microbiology is to provide an
understanding of the natural history of infectious disease in order to deal with the etiology
pathogeniesis, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and control of infections in the community.
(ii) Objectives :
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
1) State the infective micro-organisms of the human body and describe the host parasite
2) List pathogenic micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) and describe the
pathogenesis of the diseases produced by them;
3) State indicate the modes of transmission of pathogenic and opportunistic organisms and
their sources including insect vectors responsible for transmission of infection;
4) Describe the mechanisms of immunity to infections;
5) Acquire knowledge on suitable antimicrobial agents for treatment of infections and scope
of immunotherapy and different vaccines available for prevention of communicable
6) Apply methods of disinfections and sterilization to control and prevent hospital and
community acquired infections.
7) Recommend laboratory investigations regarding bacteriological examination of food,
water, milk and air.
(b) SKILLS :
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
(1) plan and interpret laboratory investigation for the diagnosis of infectious diseases and to
correlate the clinical manifestations with the etiological agent;
(2) identify the common infectious agents with the help of laboratory procedures and use
antimicrobial sensitivity tests to select suitable antimicrobial agents ;
(3) perform commonly employed bed-side tests for detection of infectious agents such as
blood film for malaria, filaria, Gram staining and Acid Fast Bacil i(AFB) staining and stool
sample for ova cyst etc.,
(4) use the correct method of collection, storage and transport of clinical material for
microbiological investigations.


The student shal understand infectious diseases of national importance in relation to the
clinical, therapeutic and preventive aspects.
Sl. No.
Name of the unit (Lectures)

General Bacteriology
Systemic Bacteriology
General Virology AND Systemic Virology
Total No. of Hours
Symposia & Seminars
Internal assessment
Grand Total

2) Syllabus of Microbiology :

a. General bacteriology : Those aspects of general bacteriology which help the student to
understand the bacterial pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control'
should be must know' category.
1. Introduction to microbes and methods of studying them.
2. Source and spread of microbes and infection control and containment
includingprinciples and use of antimicrobial agents
3. The pathogenic mechanisms of microbes and pathogenesis of infectious diseases.
4. Principles and methods of diagnosis of infections and infectious diseases.
b. Immunology : The basic principles of immunity and immunological phenomenon which
help to understand the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and control of infectious
diseases and non-infectious diseases should be `must know' category.
? The immune system and host's response to infection.
c. Systematic microbiology
d. Prevention of infectious diseases
e. Infections and diseases of various systems of the body.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Microbes and Methods of studying them :

Theory :
Objectives : At the end of the chapter, the student should be able to
a. Describe the unique properties of unicel ular organism prokaryote, and viruses in contrast
with those of eukaryotes
b. State the rationale of classifying microbes into bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
c. Recall the growth requirements of microbes
d. Use microscopes, media, wire loops, staining procedures & similar equipment and
e. The nature of bacteria: morphology
f. Growth requirements of bacteria(includes the study of media); metabolism and genetics
g. Nomenclature and classification of microorganisms
h. Microscopy-types and their principles
i. The biology of Protozoa
j. The nature and properties of viruses, Bacteriophage
k. The laboratory methods of cultivating viruses
l. The nature of fungi: basic structure and classification
m. Growth requirements of fungi
Practical :
Objectives : At the end of the chapter, the student shal be able to
a. identify various morphological forms of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites that cause
human infections.
b. Perform simple, differential staining and other techniques to demonstrate micro-organisms
and also to interpret their results.
c. To identify common laboratory methods used for cultivation and identification of microbes.
Practical exercises :
a. Introduction of media; smear making; simple and differential stains; other basic
techniques to demonstrate micro ? organism and microscopy
b. The microscope; the morphology of micro-organisms. Bacteria :
c. Cell cultures, cytopathic effect; haemagglutination by viruses; inclusion bodies; animal


Chapter 2: The Source and Spread of Microbes
Theory :
Objectives: At the end of the chapter, the student wil be able to
a. define the terms: reservoir, source , exposure, colonization, infection, diseases, vector,
fomite, epidemiology, endemicity, epidemic, pandemic, epizootic, incidence, prevalence,
zoonosis, attack rate, asepsis, antisepsis, sterilization, disinfections
b. list various routes of exposure to microbes
c. Routes of spread of infections; endogenous vs.exogenous; source and reservoir of
d. Sterilization, antisepsis, disinfection and asepsis
e. Hospital acquired infections
objective : At the end of the chapter, ;the student shall be able to
a. observe the presence of microbes in our environments by studying settle plates
b. observe the presence of normal flora in nose, throat, etc.
c. interpret sterility tests done on various materials
d. sample appropriate clinical materials for tracing the source and spread of both community
and hospital acquired infections.
e. Interpret the findings of various `surveil ance' procedures
Practical demonstrations :
a. Demonstration of the equipments and agents used in sterilization and disinfection.
b. Study of microbes in our environment by settle plates; effect of hand washing method
c. Study of normal flora of man by examining throat and nasal swabs and also by cough plate
d. Visit to the Microbiology Laboratory and Central Sterilization and Supplies

Chapter 3 : The pathogenic mechanisms of microbes and pathogenesis of
infectious diseases
Theory :
Objectives : At the end of the chapter, the student shall be able to
a. enumerate the variety of interactions between microbes and humans, ranging from
commensalism to pathogenesis
b. define words: saprophyte, commensal, carrier state, latency, chronic infection, virulence,
opportunism, toxin, invasion, viraemia, bacteriaemia and septicaemia
c. Cite examples of different pathogenic mechanisms of bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral
d. state the principles of quantitation of microbial dose in animal inoculation , such as
minimum infectious dose, lethal dose and of neutralization
e. Host parasite interactions- mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis; infection; host
response; virulence; toxigenicity
f. Pathogenesis of bacterial infections
g. Pathogenesis of parasitic infestations
h. Pathogenesis of viral infections
i. Pathogenesis of fungal infections
Practical :
Objective : At the end of the chapter, the student shall be able to demonstrate the virulence
factors of microorganisms, using simple techniques
Practical demonstrations :

a. demonstration of capsule; coagulase test
b. demonstration of Elek's test; experimental tetanus
c. case study : bacterial diseases viral diseases

Chapter 4 : The immune system and host's response to infection

Theory :
Objectives ::At the end of the chapter the student shall be able to
a. describe the anatomy and physiology of primary and secondary lymphoid organs tissues
and cel s of immune system
b. describe the terms: natural resistance, immunity, antigen, epitope, hapten, antibody,
immunoglobulin, local immunity, systemic immunity, cell mediated immunity,
hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, memory and also correlate them with normal physiology
and pathology;
c. describe with examples various types of antigen ? antibody reactions in vitro and in vivo
d. enumerate the immune deficiency states and their causes
e. describe the tests used to measure the immune functions
f. state the principles of histocompatibility
g. anatomy of immune apparatus
h. Antigens; antigen presentation and cell cooperation in immunity
i. Immunoglobulins and their role in immunity
j. Antigen ? Antibody reactions ? 1
k. Antigen ? Antibody reactions ? 2
l. Cell mediated immunity and their role in immunity
m. Complement and its role in immunity
n. Hypersensitivity
o. Measuring immune functions
p. Autoimmunity
q. Immunodeficiency and tolerance
r. Transplantation immunology
s. Immunization
t. Tumour immunology
Practical :
Objectives : At the end of the session, the student shal be able to identify and interpret the
results of the following tests:
a. Slide and tube agglutination, latex agglutination and coagglutination; indirect and reverse
passive haemagglutination tests
b. Capil ary and gel precipitation tests counter immunoelectrophoresis and radial
c. Complement fixation test
d. ELISA test
e. Various skin tests
a. Phagocytosis; opsonization
b. Immunoprecipitation tests
c. Agglutination test
d. Delayed hypersensitivity ; and tests for CMI
e. Rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody

Chapter 5: The Principles and methods of diagnosis of infections and infectious
diseases and their treatment :
Objectives : At the end of the chapter, the student shal be able to
a. List the diagnostic tests used for common and important infections and identify the
specimens necessary for each
b. State the principles of isolating/culturing bacteria,viruses & fungi
c. Describe the principles of antigen detection methods
d. List various serological tests and state their principles, applications in diagnosis
e. Demonstrate various microbes / parasites / ova /cysts by direct microscopy
f. collection and transport of clinical samples; culture of microbes
g. Serological methods of diagnosis of bacterial infections
h. Serodiagnosis of fungal infections
i. Serodiagnosis of viral infections
j. Serodiagnosis of parasitic infections
k. Rapid diagnostic methods especial y with reference to viruses
Practical :
Objective: At the end of the session, the student shall be able to perform and interpret the
following techniques
a. Simple stains, Gram stain, Acid fast staining techniques; saline and iodine preparations for
ova & cysts and also concentration methods; peripheral blood smear for parasites;
lactophenol cotton blue & KOH preparations for fungi rapid diagnostic methods
b. Be able to collect appropriate clinical material for laboratory diagnosis
c. Be able to do preliminary processing of clinical materials
Practical demonstrations :
a. Demonstration of specimen container, collection of specimens, transport and media;
preliminary processing in the laboratory
b. Demonstration of common methods used for demonstration of pathogenic microorgnisms
c. Culture of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses
d. Rapid diagnostic tests for various microorganisms


Chapter 6: Principles and uses of antimicrobial agents
Objectives : At the end of the chapter, the student shal be able to
a. list antimicrobial agents and classify them as antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents.
b. Define the terms : susceptibility, resistance and describe the mechanisms of transferable
and nontransferable drug resistance
c. Describe the tests necessary to determine drug susceptibility, antibiotic concentration and
serum bactericidal level
d. Antimicrobial resistance
e. Laboratory monitoring of antimicrobial therapy


Objectives : At the end of the course, the student should be able to interpret the results of
a. Disc diffusion tests
b. MIC/MBC value, break ? points, MIC 50, MIC 90, etc.
c. Assays for antimicrobial levels in body fluids
Practical demonstration :
a. Demonstration of antimicrobial susceptibility tests both diffusion and dilution tests
b. Demonstration of antimicrobial assay

Chapter 7 : Systematic microbiology

Objectives: At the end of chapter, the student shall be able to
a. State the basic taxonomy of common and important microorganisms
b. Recall the basic principles of identifying microbes
c. List the basic biological properties of common and important microbes
d. Describe the role of physician in initiating microbiological investigations
a. Staphylococci
b. Streptococci
c. Neisseria
d. Corynebacteria
e. Mycobacteria
f. Bacil us
g. Clostridium
h. Actinomycetes
i. Haemopilus and Bordetel a
j. Enterobacteriaceae
k. Vibrios and Campylobacter
l. Brucella, Francisella and Legionel a
m. Pseudomonas and other non-fermenters
n. Spirochaetes ? Treponema, Borrelia, Leptospira
o. Rickettsia
p. Chlamydia
q. Nonsporing anaerobic bacteria
r. Mycoplasma and L Forms
s. Helicobacter, Listeria, Ratbite fever, Erysipelothrix, kingella Miscel aneous bacteria ? Ref.
Ananthanaraayons text book of Microbiology.
a. Agents of very superficial mycoses
b. Agents of superficial mycoses; dermatophytoses
c. Agents of subcutaneous mycoses
d. Agents systemic mycoses
e. Opportunistic fungi, Mycotoxicosis.
RNA Viruses:-
a. Picorna viruses
b. Orthomyxo and Paramyxo
c. Rhabdo viruses
d. Arbo and Robo
e. Slow viruses
f. Retro viruses
g. Oncogenic viruses
h. Viruses causing gastroenteritis
i. Hapatitis viruses

DNA Viruses:-
a. Pox viruses
b. Herpes viruses
c. Adeno viruses
d. Papova Viruses
e. Parvo viruses
f. Oncogenic viruses
a. Entamoeba histolytica and free living amoeba
b. Giardia, Trichomonas, Sarcocystis, and Toxoplasma, cryptosporidium, isospora
c. Leishmania and Trypanosomes.
d. Plasmodia and Babesia
e. Medically important helminths belonging to Cestoda, Trematoda and Nematoda
Practical: Objectives:
a. Bacteriology: The student shall be able to identify pathogenic bacteria by Gram stain,
morphology, colony characters and key biochemical reactions
b. Mycology: the student shal be able to identify pathogenic fungi by their appearance in
Lactophenol cotton blue preparation, KOH, Indian Ink preparations, Gram and other
staining as wel as pertinent colony morphology
c. Parasitology: the student shal be able to identify ova and cysts of common intestinal
parasites, identify blood and tissue parasites

Chapter 8 : Prevention of Infectious Diseases
Objectives: At the end of the chapter the student shal be able to define terms; passive and active
immunity, live and kil ed vaccine; efficacy of caccine; disease control and eradication
a. Epidemiology of infectious diseases
b. Hygiene and protection of food and water
c. Immunization schedules in India; vaccine efficacy; universal immunization

Objectives: At the end of the session, the student shal be able to
a. discuss a case study on an outbreak situation
b. apply principles of asepsis, antisepsis and disinfection in day-to-day clinical practice
c. interpret results of sterility tests done on various materials
Practical demonstrations:
a. Case study of an epidemic/outbreak of nosocomial infection
b. Demonstration of vaccines & toxolds, antisera & infection specific immunoglobulins
c. Bacteriological analysis of water; Pasterization of milk
Chapter 9 : Systemic Microbiology
( Infections & Diseases of the various systems of the Body)
a. List infectious diseases of each system and correlate them with probable aetiological
b. Understand the aetiology, pathogenesis and methods of laboratory diagnosis and apply
that knowledge in the treatment and prevention of common communicable diseases
caused by al types of microorganisms
c. Gastrointestinal infections caused by bacteria; Peptic ulcer disease; enteric fever,
gastroenteriti; shigel osis; food poisoning
d. Gastrointestinal infections caused by parasites:
e. Gastrointestinal infections caused by viruses
f. Hepatitis and other infections of liver and biliary tract
g. Upper respiratory tract infections ? viruses
h. Acute infections of lower respiratory tract
i. Chronic infections of lower respiratory tract; national TB control program
j. Sexual y transmitted diseases; national STD control program
k. Urinary Tract infections
l. Infections of Central Nervous System ? bacterial
m. Infections of Central Nervous System ? non bacterial
n. Wound infections
o. Superficial fungal infections: dermatomycoses; national leprosy control program
p. Deep mycoses
q. Eye infections: national program for prevention of blindness
r. Septicaemic conditions
s. Bone, joint and related conditions
t. Exanthematous conditions

u. Opportunistic infections
v. Blood and issue parasites; national filariasis control program, national malaria control

Practical :
Objectives :
At the end of the session, the student shall be able to identify the agents causing
infections of various systems of the body and the student shal be able to collect appropriate
specimens at an appropriate time and send them to the laboratory.
Practical exercises:
a. Viable counts on normal faeces
b. Case study ? dysentery; stool with ova and cysts
c. Case study ? cholera with demonstrations
d. Case study ? typhoid with demonstrations
e. Case study ? infective and serum hepatitis with demonstrations
f. Case study ? diphtheria with demonstrations
g. Case discussion ? diagnosis of tuberculosis
h. Microscopic morphology of agents causing STD; Demonstrations of syphilis and HIV
i. Case study ? UTI with demonstrations
j. Microbiology of CNS infections ? demonstrations
k. Carrier study of Staphylococcus on skin, throat and nose
l. Diagnosis of dermatomycosis, mycetoma and chromomycosis
m. Laboratory diagnosis of candidiasis and crytococcosis
n. Demonstration of fungi causing deep mycoses
o. Demonstration of agents causing eye infections
p. Case study ? endocarditis, Gram negative septicaemia, brucellosis, enteric fever and
q. Case study- acute infections of bone ,etc.

Division of Syllabus paperwise :
: General bacteriology, immunology & systemic bacteriology
PAPER II: Parasitology, Virology and Mycology.
Microbiology books recommended :
1. Text book of Microbiology ? Dr. R.Anantanarayan ? C.J. Paniker
2. Medical Microbiology ? Dr.C.P.Baveja
3. Microbiology ? Dr.Arora
4. Microbiology ? Chakrabarthy
5. Essential Microbiology ? Rajesh Bhatia & R.L.Ichpujanti
6. Text book of Microbiology ? David Greenwood
Reference Books:
1. Review of Microbiology ? Jawetz
2. Essential Immunology ? Ivon Roitt
3. Text Book of Parasitology ? S.C.Parija (Reference)
4. Text book of Parasitology ? C.J.Panicker

This post was last modified on 28 June 2021