Download BSc Medical Records Science 2021 March 1st Year 1732 Medical Terminology I Question Paper

Download Bachelor of Medical Records Science (BSc in Medical Record Science) 2021 March 1st Year 1732 Medical Terminology I Previous Question Paper

[AHS 0321] MARCH 2021 Sub. Code: 1732
FIRST YEAR (Regulations 2015-2016 &2018-2019)
Q.P. Code : 801732

Time: Three hours
Answer ALL Questions

I. Elaborate on:

(3 x 10 = 30)

1. Match the following:
1. Trochanter (a) An elevated, broad, rounded process of a bone,
usually for muscle or tendon attachment.
2. Crest (b) A sharp projection form the surface of a bone.
3. Fissure (c) A constricted or narrow section that connects
with the hea
4. Fossa (d) The large bony process located below the neck
of the femur; for muscle attachment.
5. Foramen (e) An opening or hollow space in a bone.
6. Sinus (f) A distinct border or ridge; an upper, elevated edge.
7. Condyle (g) A groove or depression in a bone.
8. Neck (h) A hole within a bone through which blood vessels
or nerves pass.
9. Tuberosity (i) A sharp projection from the surface of a bone,
Similar to a crest; used for muscle attachment.
10. Spine (j) A knuckle like projection at the end of a bone.
(k) A hollow or shallow concave depression in a bone.
2. Explain the five divisions of vertebral columns. Explain each of them.
3. Explain the basic concepts of medical terminology.


(8 x 5 = 40)
1. Define the following pathological conditions.
(a) Osteoporosis (b) Ewings sarcoma (c) Muscular dystrophy
(d) Strains (e) Bunion
2. Define the following pathological condition.
(a) Osteomalacia (b) Callus (c) Carcinoma
3. What is gangrene? Describe the types of gangrene.
4. Explain different types of joints.
5. Explain the four types of tissues.
6. Give any five purpose of learning medical terminology.
7. Name any five types of fracture. Explain each two of them.
8. Give the meaning for following roots.
(a) Hysteropexy (b) Leukopenia (c) Proctoscopy
(d) Pyometritis (e) Metritis
III. Short answers on:

(10 x 3 = 30)
1. Give the meaning;
(a) hepat (b) viscer (c) ectosis
2. Give the meaning for the following prefixes.
(a) dys (b) centesis (c) hyper
3. Give the medical terminology for the following:
(a) Surgical fixation of joint (b) Downward displacement of the eye
(c) One side paralysis
4. Write down the opposite of the following terms.
(a) distal (b) superficial (c) ventral
5. Write down the meaning of the following
(a) Chromosomes (b) Ribosome (c) Cytoplasm
6. Define the following:
(a) craniotomy (b) mylocele (c) adenoma
7. Write any three phobias and their meanings.
8. Explain it:
(a) pneumothorax (b) spondylitis
9. Give the meanings.
(a) hydrocele (b) myelopathy (c) bronchiectasis.
10. Difference between the following.
(a) neoplasia and anapalsia (b) dysplasia and aplasia
(c) hypoplasia and hyperplasia

This post was last modified on 28 October 2021