Download VNSGU MBBS 2nd Year 2021 February Microbiology Paper I Question Paper

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University or South Gujarat University) MBBS ?(Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year 2021 February Microbiology Paper I Previous Question Paper


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IInd M.B.B.S. Examination

February - 2021

Paper-I [Microbiology]

(General microbiology, Immunology & Parasitology)

Time: 2 Hours ]

[ Total Marks: 40

k|Q"p : / Instructions

"uQ? v$ip?h?g r"ip"uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu `f Ah?e gMhu.

Seat No.:

Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:

IInd M.B.B.S.

Name of the Subject :

Paper-I [Microbiology]

(General microbiology, Immunology & Parasitology)

Subject Code No.: 2006000102020001

Student's Signature

(2) Answer to the point.
(3) Draw a diagram whenever necessary.

Section: I

Q:l Long Question.



Enumerate motile organism. Describe structure and arrangement of

flagella and write the techniques of detection of flagella.



Draw labeled diagram of bacterial anatomy. Discuss the structural and

functional details of bacterial capsule.

RAN-2006000102020001 ]

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[ P.T.O. ] P4757
Q: 2 Write notes on any three.


1. Write definition and characteristics of an antigen.

2. Biological functions of complement.

3. What is autoimmunity? Discuss the various mechanism of autoimmunity.

4. Define hypersensitivity and write in details about type IV hypersensitivity.

5. Incineration.

Section: II

Q: 3 Write notes on any two.


1. Define protozoa. Write their distinguishing features.

2. Describe Pathogenecity and laboratory diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis.

3. Enumerate trematodes. Life cycle of schistoma haematobium.

Q: 4 Write in short (1-2 sentences).


1. Write two important function of IgM.

2. Two name of carcinogenic parasites.

3. Cold sterilization.

4. Write two uses of monoclonal antibodies.

5. Paradoxical carrier.

6. Define complement.

7. Enlist three selective media and its use.

8. Enumerate different types of infection.

9. Parasites demonstrated in peripheral blood

10. Characteristics of Hyadatid fluid

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[ 520 ] P4757

This post was last modified on 28 December 2021