Download AKTU B-Tech 1st Sem 2015-2016 EEC 101 Electronics Engineering Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 1st Semester (First Semester) 2015-2016 EEC 101 Electronics Engineering Question Paper

Printed Pagesz6 1259 EEC?lOl
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Book)
R011 N3.
[Time:3 hours] I [Total Marks:100]
1, Attempt all parts .All parts carry equal marks. Write
answerofeach part in short . (2x10=20)
(a) What dis depletion layer?
(b) De?ne peak inverse voltage of diode.
(c) State the difference between Unipolar and Bipolar
device along with example.
(d) AWhat is the use of common collector con?guration?
(e) What are the differences between periodic and
aperiodic Signals? '
(f) For a n-channel JFET with re?! 0k Q ,VGS=-0V, Vp=6V
F ind out the resistance at Vas=~3 V.
31.00 I (1) P.T.O.

Attempt any five questioris from this section. (10x5=50) .
(g) Draw the equivalent circuit of an operational
ampli?er and also state its characteristics?
(h) Convert the following numbers with indicated
bases to decimal: '
(i) (4310)5
(ii) (198)l2
(i) Minimize the Boolean expression:(x+y)(x+y?)
(i) What is slew rate? '
Explain the characteristics of p-n junction diode in
forward and reverse bias.For the network of
Fig1.,determine the range of RL that will maintain V| at '
10 V and not exceed the maximum current rating of
(2) EEC-lol
Explain full wave voltage doubler. Determine Vo arid the
required PIV rating of each diode for the con?guration of -
Fig 2
4 Draw the input and output characteristics of Common
Emitter npn transistor con?guration with proper labels. For
the circuit shown in F ig.3. ?nd out IB,IC,VC( ,6 =120).
A16 V
Fig. 3
(3) P.T.O.

Determine and sketch V0 for the given network shown 1n
1]. . .
Fig.4. Sketch V0 for the given network shown 1n F1g.5 for
5. Explain:
(1) D1fferent1ator c1rcu1t us1ng Op-Amp. the input shown-
(ii) Non-Inverting ampli?er using Op-Amp.
6. Explain the construction, working and characteristics of n
channel depletion type MOSFET. Also derive expression f0
g m(transconductance) of JF ET :
l" V' |I Va
10? ' o ?I ?I, +
4.7 m
7. Explain the basic principle of d1g1tal voltmeter with the help;
of block diagram. What are the characteristics of DVM'7 '
8. WhyNANDandNORgateaIecalleduniversalgate, explainwith V
example? Minimize F(A,B, C,D)=z(0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15)_ ,.
using K- maps
9. Draw and explain the working of a Bridge rectifier with 1nput
and output waveforms. Calculate ef?ciency and ripple factor.
Attempt any two questions from this section. (15x2=30)' -20V
10. Explain the working of CRO and digital multimeter along -
with proper block diagram.
Fig. 5
? P.T.O.
3100 (4) EEC-101 3100 (5)

1-2. Explain the construction and working of n-channel JFET.
For the circuit shown in Fig.6 if, VD=12V and VGSQ=-2V,
?nd value of Rs.
3 I 00 (6) k EEC-101

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020