Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 1st Semester (First Semester) 2015-2016 NEC 101 Electronics Engineering Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Book)
[Time:6x3==18 hours] - ITotalMgrks: 100|
Section -A
l. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer ofieach part in short. (2x10=20)
(a) Explain the effect of temperature on conductivity
of a samiconductor.
(b) De?ne CMRR, slew rate of OPAMP.
(c) A 320W carrier is simultaneously modulated by
two audio waves with modulation % of 45 and 60
respectively. What is the side band power radiated?
(d) De?ne signal. Name various types of signal.
(6) Why Si is preferred over Ge for manufacturing of
electronics devices.
42000 (1) P.T.O.
(f) ,In JFET 1'? -?f 8mA, VP = ??4V biased at Vcs =
- 1.8V. Determine the value of gm.
(g) De?ne OP-AMP and draw its block diagram.
(h) Explain FET as Voltage Variable Resistor (VVR).
(0 Explain with proper reason the use of Emitter
' Follower.
0) De?ne Depletion layer of PN-junction diode.
Section - B
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section : (10x5=50)
2. (3) Determine V0, and draw the output waveform of
the given network of ?g. 1
Figure 1
(b) For the network of ?g. 2 determine the range ofVi
that will maintain VL at 8V and not exceed the
maximum power rating of the Zener diode.
42000 (2) NEC?lOl
Figure 2
3. (a) Sketch v0, VDc for the network of ?g. 3 and
determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode.
Figure 3
(b) Sketch V0 for each network of ?g. 4 for the input
Figure 4
42000 (3) P.T.O.
4. Explain with the help of necesary diagram :
(a) lnvettingAmpli?er
(b) Integrator
(c) Differential ampli?er in two mode ofoperation
5. De?ne Modulation. Derive the relation of total power
ofAM waves.
6. For the voltage divider con?guration of ?g.5 determine
re, Av, Zm and 20.
Figure 5
7. (a) Determine the output voltage of an op-amp for input
voltages Of Vil = 200V and Vi2 = 140V. The
ampli?er has a differential gain of Ad = 6000 and
the value of CMRR is :
(i) 200 (ii) 105
42000 (4) NEC-lOl
Attempt any two questions from this section :
(b) F ind out the voltage V2 and V3 of the given network
of ?g.6.
Figure 6
With the help of neat block diagram explain the working
of a CRO.
Explain with the help of neat diagram working and
characteristics curve of Ramp type digital voltmeter.
Section ? C
10. (a) Explain working and characteristics of Tunnel
diode with the help ofneat diagram.
(b) Describe with the help of circuit diagram working
of voltage tripler.
(c) Differentiate between Half wave and Full wave
42000 ? (5) P.T.O.
(b) Determine- Zi, Zn and Av for the network of ?g. 8
u ,0? :12 mA, V? = -6 V, and Ym = 40 micro
11. (a) Explain construction and working and
characteristics of P channel Enhancement
+18 V
(b) Draw and explain the input and output
characteristics of Common Emitter configuration.
(0) For an input of VI = SOmV in the mcircuit of ?g.
7, determine the maximum frequency that may be
used. The op-amp slew rate SR = 0.4 V/s.
Figure 8
i' -?x?
Figure 7
12. Explain the need of modulation in communication
(a) A 460 watt carrier is modulated to a depth of 65
percent. Calculate the total power in the modulated
42000 . (7) NEC-lOl
42000 (6) NEC-lOl
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020