Download B.Pharm 4th Year 2019 August 564269 Pharmacology II Question Paper

Download B.Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Year (Final Year) 2019 August 564269 Pharmacology II Previous Question Paper



AUGUST 2019 Sub. Code: 4269




Q.P. Code: 564269

Time: Three hours

Maximum: 100 Marks

I. Elaborate on:

(2 x 20 = 40)

1. Classify beta-lactam antibiotics and describe mechanism of action, therapeutic

uses and adverse effect of any two beta-lactam antibiotics.

2. Classify antineoplastic agents. Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse drug

reaction, therapeutic uses of alkylating agents and antimetabolites.

II. Write notes on:

(8 x 5 = 40)

1. Define and classify fibrinolytics. Write the significance of newer heparin


2. Describe the phases involved in clinical trials.
3. Write therapeutic uses and side effects of sulphonamides.
4. Classify antiulcer agents. Describe the H2 receptor blockers.

5. Write note on anti fungal agents.
6. Explain mechanism of action of fluoroquinolones.
7. Describe various types of poisoning and its treatment.
8. Write note on immunosuppressant.

III. Short answers on:

(10 x 2 = 20)

1. Write the functions of serotonin.
2. Give examples for osmotic purgative.
3. Write two uses of prostaglandin agonist.
4. Name the two anti-thyroid drugs.
5. Note on triple response.
6. Define the term lepra reaction.
7. What is the antidote for lead poisoning?
8. Name any two prokinetics.
9. What is ANOVA?
10. Note on therapeutic use of betahistine.


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