Download MBBS 3rd Year (Third Year) 2024 May 526072 Oto Rhino Laryngology Previous MCQs Question Paper || MGR University 3rd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Theory Papers
[MBBS 0524] MAY 2024 Sub. Code :6072
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526072
Time: 20 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Tubotympanic recess leads to the formation of
A) Cochlear nerve B) Middle ear
C) Membranous Labyrinth D) External auditory canal
2. Angular movements are sensed by
A) Cochlea B) Saccule C) Utricle D) Semicircular canals
3. Sensory nerve supply of middle ear cavity is provided by
A) Facial nerve B) Glossopharyngeal nerve
C) Vagus nerve D) Trigeminal nerve
4. Function of ear ossicles
A) Impedence matching B) Transduction of sound
C) Equilibrium D) Localisation of sound
5. Stapedial reflex is absent in
A) VI nerve lesion B) X nerve lesion C) VIII nerve lesion D) V nerve lesion
6. Hiatus semilunaris is present in
A) Superior meatus B) Inferior meatus
C) Middle meatus D) Sphenoethmoidal recess
7. Complications of acute sinusitis
A) Stridor B) Pott's Puffy tumor C) Quinsy D) Lateral sinus thrombosis
8. Young's syndrome is
A) Neutrophilia with red papular rash B) Mitral stenosis with Atrial septal defect
C) Infertility with Bronchiectasis D) Multiple enchondromas with phleboliths
9. Epistaxis in adolescent person is commonest in
A) Foreign body B) Bleeding disorder
C) Hypertension D) Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
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10. Most common malignancy in maxillary antrum
A) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma B) Adenocystic carcinoma
C) Adenocarcinoma D) Squamous cell carcinoma
11. Haemorrhage during tonsillectomy is usually from
A) Maxillary artery B) Peritonsillar vein
C) Lingual artery D) Middle meningeal artery
12. Infection of submandibular space is seen in
A) Ludwig's angina B) Vincent angina
C) Prinzmetal angina D) Unstable angina
13. Premalignant lesions are except
A) Submucous fibrosis B) Leukoplakia C) Erythroplakia D) Epulis
14. Tensor of vocal cord is
A) Posterior cricoarytenoid B) Lateral cricoarytenoid
C) Cricothyroid D) Thyroarytenoids-external part
15. Space of Tucker is seen in
A) Larynx B) Oesophagus
C) Femoral canal D) Laproscopic approach to hernia
16. Steeple sign is seen is
A) Croup B) Acute epiglottis C) Laryngomalacia D) Quinsy
17. In dysphonia plica ventricularis sound is produced by
A) False vocal cords B) True vocal cords
C) Ventricle of larynx D) Tongue
18. Sensory nerve supply of larynx below the level of vocal cord
A) External branch of superior laryngeal nerve
B) Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
C) Recurrent laryngeal nerve
D) Inferior pharyngeal nerve
19. Hoarseness of Voice occurs early in
A) Glottic carcinoma B) Subglottic carcinoma
C) Supraglottic carcinoma D) Equal incidence in all
20. Tracheostomy is done usually over
A) 1st and 2nd tracheal rings B) 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings
C) 4th and 5th tracheal rings D) 5th and 6th tracheal rings.
[MBBS 0524]
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