>Eenadu Job Fair During 02-03, April 2011 in Association With JNTU-KAKINADA.
I am by the direction of the Hon�ble Vice-Chancellor wish to inform you that the Directorate of Industry Institute Interaction, Placements and Training, JNTUK, Kakinada organizing Eenadu Job Fair in association with JNTUK, Kakinada during 02-03 April, 2011.
I am herewith attaching the advertisement issued in Eenadu paper and request all the Principals and TPOs of affiliated and constituent colleges to inform the students about the event. Also, give necessary instructions to your students to get registered online at www.eenadujobs.com.
Click on the below link to Download the Poster:
Eenadu Job Fair During 02-03, April 2011 in Association With JNTU-KAKINADA.