JNTU Anantapur : Exam Notification For B.Tech (RR) / B.Pharmacy (OR) Last Chance For all Supple Exams (Nov/Dec 2011)

JNTU-ANANTAPUR : Examinations Notification For B.Tech (RR) / B.Pharmacy (OR) Last Chance For all Supplementary Examinations (November/December-2011).

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B.Tech all years Supplementary Examinations November/December 2011.
(LAST & FINAL CHANCE FOR 2002, 2003 regular and 2003 lateral entry admitted batches only)

Centre of Examination: JNTUA College of Engineering Anantapur, Anantapur

The students appearing for the above examinations commencing in the month of November 2011 are informed that the applications will be received as per the revised time schedule given below. The detailed time tables will be notified later.

Last Date without fine 29.10.2011
Last Date with Rs.500/= fine 01.11.2011
Last Date with Rs.2000/= fine 03.11.2011

Examination Fee

1 First Year (irrespective of no. of subjects) Rs.2000-00
2 Each Semester of II, III & IV Year (irrespective of no. of subjects) Rs.2000-00
3 Memorandum of Marks Rs.10-00
4 Cost of application Rs.5-00

1. Applications are available at the office of the Principal.
2. Duly filled-in applications along with the photocopies of marks sheets of earlier attempts, duly attested by the college principal should be handed over in the college office with the necessary fee.
3. Hall tickets will be issued only to the eligible candidates who fulfill the academic requirements of the University.
4. Detailed time-tables are notified in the website www.jntuanantapur.org.

1. For applications without the late fee the DD should be dated 31.10.2011.
2. For applications with the late fee of Rs.500.00 the DD should be dated 02.11.2010.
3. For applications with the late fee of Rs.2000.00 the DD should be dated 04.11.2011.
4. Applications are to be submitted at the university examination branch as per the schedule given for regular examinations.

For Official Notification click on the below links :






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B.Pharmacy all years Supplementary Examinations November/December 2011
(LAST & FINAL CHANCE FOR 2002, 2003 regular and 2003 lateral entry admitted batches only)

Centre of Examination: JNTUA College of Engineering Anantapur, Anantapur.

The students appearing for the above examinations commencing in the month of November 2011 are informed that the applications will be received as per the revised time schedule given below. The detailed time tables will be notified later.

Last Date without fine 29.10.2011
Last Date with Rs.500/= fine 01.11.2011
Last Date with Rs.2000/= fine 03.11.2011

Examination Fee

1 First Year (irrespective of no. of subjects) Rs.2000-00
2 Each Semester of II, III & IV Year (irrespective of no. of subjects) Rs.2000-00
3 Memorandum of Marks Rs.10-00
4 Cost of application Rs.5-00

1. Applications are available at the office of the Principal.
2. Duly filled-in applications along with the photocopies of marks sheets of earlier attempts, duly attested by the college principal should be handed over in the college office with the necessary fee.
3. Hall tickets will be issued only to the eligible candidates who fulfill the academic requirements of the University.
4. Detailed time-tables are notified in the website www.jntuanantapur.org.

1. For applications without the late fee the DD should be dated 31.10.2011.
2. For applications with the late fee of Rs.500.00 the DD should be dated 02.11.2010.
3. For applications with the late fee of Rs.2000.00 the DD should be dated 04.11.2011.
4. Applications are to be submitted at the university examination branch as per the schedule given for regular examinations.

For the official Notification click on the below links :






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