Diploma in Psychological Medicine (D.P.M.) Question Papers

Diploma in Psychological Medicine (D.P.M.)

Paper SUBJECTYear/SemYear/SemYear/Sem
Paper – INeuro Anatomy and Neurophysiology Upto 2000 2001-2004*
Paper – IIGeneral Psychology Upto 2000 2001-2004*
Paper – IIISocial and Abnormal Psychology Upto 2000 2001-2004*
Paper – INeurology with Applied Biochemistry Upto 2000 2001-2004 2005-2006
Paper – IIPsychiatry including Mental Health Upto 2000 2001-2004 2005-2006
Paper – IIIPsychiatry including Child Psychiatry Upto 2000 2001-2004 2005-2006

For Candidates admitted from 2005 – 2006 onwards

Paper SUBJECTYear/SemYear/Sem
Paper – INeuro Anatomy and Neurophysiology (including Genetics and Biochemistry) 2006-20082009-2010
Paper – IIPsychosocial Basis of Human Behaviour (including General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Psychometry and Biostatistics) 2006-20082009-2010
Paper – IIIPsychiatry 2006-20082009-2010
Paper – IVPsychiatry Specialities and Neurology 2006-20082009-2010
For Candidates admitted from 2006 – 2007 onwards
Paper SUBJECTYear/SemYear/Sem
Paper – IBasis Sciences as Related Psychiatry (Neuro Anatomy, Neuro Physiology, Neuro Chemistry, Biostatics, General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychometry & Genetics2008 2009-2010
Paper – II Clinical Psychiatry including Recent Advances2008 2009-2010
Paper – III Psychiatry Specialties and General Medicine & Neurology Related to Psychiatry20082009-2010

* No Candidates in that Session

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