Diploma in Public Health (D.P.H.) Question Papers

Diploma in Public Health (D.P.H.)

Paper SUBJECT Year/Sem Year/Sem Year/SemYear/Sem
Paper – IStatistics, Occupational Health, MCH/FP, Dermatology and Public Health Engineering Upto 2000 2001-2004 2005-2008 2009-2010
Paper – IIEpidemiology, Monitoring and Evaluation, Entomology, Communicable and Non-
Communicable Diseases
Upto 2000 2001-2004 2005-2008 2009-2010
Paper – IIINational Programmes, Health Management, Economic Evaluation of Programmes, Health Education, International Health and Public Health  Acts Upto 2000 2001-2004 2005-2008 2009-2010

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