KUHS B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Nutrition and Biochemistry Nov 2017 Question Paper

We uploaded all the BSc November 2017 Question Papers of First Year Regulation (KUHS) Kerala University of Health Sciences. These papers are useful to all B.Sc Nursing  colleges which are affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences.


114010 Nutrition-And-Biochemistry     Download

Reg. No: ……………………..

First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations November 2017
Nutrition and Biochemistry

(2016 Scheme)

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                                 Maximum Marks: 75

  • Answer all questions
  • Write section A (52 Pages) and section B (32 Pages) in separate answer Do not mix up questions from section A and section B.

Q P Code: 114010                       Section A- Nutrition                                            Marks:50

Short Essay                                                                                                                    (2×7= 14)

  1. How foods are classified. Mention the factors affecting food and nutrition.
  2. What is the requirement of calcium in normal diet. Mention the food sources, factors affecting absorption and deficiency manifestation of calcium.

Short notes                                                                                                                      (5×4=20)

  1. Dietary fibre.
  2. Protein energy malnutrition.
  3. Domestic methods of food preservation.
  4. Factors to be considered during menu planning.
  5. Prescribe a Diet for a Pregnant Woman

Answer Briefly                                                                                                                (4×4=16)

  1. Dietary source and deficiency of vitamin A.
  2. Functions of water in the human body.
  3. What is pressure cooking. List the merits and demerits of this type of cooking.
  4. Role of nurse in nutrition education.

Q P Code: 115010                  Section B- Biochemistry                                         Marks:25

Short Essays                                                                                                                   (2×5=10)

  1. Mention the daily requirement, dietary source and deficiency manifestations of vitamin D.
  2. Describe the classification of amino acids based on nutritional importance

Short notes                                                                                                                        (2×3=6)

  1. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
  2. Plasma proteins

Answer briefly                                                                                                                   (3×3=9)

  1. Lipid profile.
  2. Disaccharides
  3. Metabolic acidosis


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