Study in the US: Why international students should study in the US

Should you study in the US? Why have so many international students chosen to study in the US over another country? Does the US still welcome international student? What are your US study options? The US hosts more international students than any other country in the world, a number fast approaching 600,000. In fact, international?students comprise approximately 4% of the total undergraduate US university and US college population, and 10% for US graduate school. These international students from every continent in the world choose to study in the US because they believe that a US education would afford them the best preparation for their future. They?leave homes, families and friends in order to pursue their dreams of an education in the US. In fact, International students who study in the US contribute more than $13 billion to the US economy!
US universities, US colleges and US schools constantly rank very high in world rankings, just one of the reasons to study in the US. Schools such as Harvard University, Stanford University, MIT, Julliard, Berklee School of Music, West Point, are all world famous and welcome international students. The US offers international students the most exciting, rewarding and comprehensive array of study options in the world. International students who choose to study in the US have almost unlimited study choices. Furthermore, international students who successfully complete their US study are highly sought-after by employers worldwide. While the reasons international students choose to study in the US vary from student to student, there are 9 main advantages of US study.

The United States is the premiere destination for international students from all over the world. The main advantages of higher education in the USA are as follows:

World class learning institutions

The United States has more institutions of higher learning than any other country in the world. More importantly than that, however, is the quality of these academic bodies. Most American colleges and universities offer top-notch education programs with highly qualified teaching staff. The research at many of these universities is cutting-edge and often published in journals worldwide. Many of the professors at these schools are leading authorities in their field. The list of world-class learning institutions in the USA is endless and include, but are not limited to: Stanford University, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, California Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, John Hopkins, Northwestern University, etc.

Endless study choices

One of the best things about studying in the USA is the vast number of academic options offered to students. Since the USA is such a large country with vast resources, almost every field of study is available in the country. One can study everything from Russian history to nuclear physics. That is why so may foreigners choose to obtain their training in the USA. If you can perceive it, you can probably find some place in America to study it.

Worldwide recognition

A degree or certificate from a college or university is useless if it is not recognized by employers, other institutions or field authorities. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to ensure than the degree from the school you choose is recognized in the place you plan to use it in. Fortunately, colleges and universities in America are given professional accreditation by different governing bodies. These schools have to earn their accreditation by meeting certain criteria, helping ensure a quality education, as well as a degree or certificate that is recognized. Most schools in the USA are accredited, though we strongly suggest that you thoroughly find out what each school’s accreditation is before deciding. There are thousands of US schools that offer credentials recognized in almost every corner of the world.

Supporting industries, training & research

Because of the vast wealth of resources in America, the opportunities for practical training related to your field of study are vast. Most college and universities have established affiliations with employers and researchers in different fields of study, thereby creating an avenue for students to obtain hands-on and invaluable experience. Many universities even require that students obtain practical training in order to graduate. In many cases, these opportunities are not available any where else in the world.

People and culture

America is a melting pot of people from all over the world. One will find most Americans to be very hospitable, friendly, kind, generous and accepting of foreigners. Of course, there are a few exceptions, as in any country, but these are not the norm. In general, the people are funny, gregarious, innovative, and eager to learn. These are traits that many international students adopt and take home with them.


Regardless of what degree a student chooses to pursue in school, he or she will have to use computers and other technologies in order to succeed. Many universities incorporate the latest technology into their curriculum, encouraging students to obtain proficiency before they go out into the workplace. Specialized technology, such as the newest medical equipment in medical schools, allows each student to maximize their true potential and gain experience that is marketable in the real world.


Since the USA school system utilizes credit units and often accommodates working students, most schools offer academic programs that are flexible in nature. This means that, very often, one can choose when to attend classes, how many classes to enroll in each semester or quarter, what elective?or optional classes to take, etc. An American education is very conforming to each student’s needs.

Campus experience

It has been said that the friends and experience obtained during campus life are worth as much as the education itself. Many make friends that last lifetimes. The lessons learned my co-existing and living? with others from all over the world are priceless.

Global focus

More and more often, American colleges and universities are focusing on the global aspects of each subject, better preparing students with a worldwide view of their field. No longer can students merely focus on certain geographic areas when obtaining their academic training. Most US learning institutions have recognized this and offer a more comprehensive and global curriculum to meet these new trends.

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