RGUHS MD Microbiology May 2018 Question Papers

We uploaded RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences )MD Microbiology May 2018 Question Papers. These papers are useful to all the Medical colleges which are affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences MD 2018 Question Papers May

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

MD Degree Examination – MAY-2018

Time: Three Hours                                                                               Max. Marks: 100 Marks

Q.P. CODE: 7355

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

Answer all the Questions                                                                                            10 x 10 = 100 Marks

  1. Discuss the bacterial virulence factors.
  2. Describe agglutination reactions in detail.
  3. Immunomodulators.
  4. Moist heat sterilization.
  5. Flourescent microscope.
  6. Graft Versus Host reaction ( GVH).
  7. Delayed Hypersensitivity.
  8. Immunodeficiency diseases.
  9. Transposons.
  10. Immunochromatographic tests.

7355 Microbiology Paper I   Download



Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

MD Degree Examination – MAY-2018

Time: Three Hours                                                                               Max. Marks: 100 Marks

Q.P. CODE: 7356

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

Answer all the Questions                                                                            10 x10 = 100 Marks

  1. Enumerate the bacterial causes of PUO. Discuss the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of undulant fever.
  2. Discuss the aetiology and laboratory diagnosis of Primary atypical pneumonia.
  3. Rapid diagnostic test for MRSA.
  4. Viridans Streptococci and paediatric infections.
  5. Neonatal meningitis.
  6. Haemophilus ducreyi.
  7. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis.
  8. Laboratory diagnosis of cholera.
  9. Cultivation of Mycobacterium leprae.
  10. Virulence factors of Hemophilus ducreyi.


7356 Microbiology Paper II   Download


Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

MD Degree Examination – MAY-2018

Time: Three Hours                                                                                  Max. Marks: 100 Marks

Q.P. CODE: 7357

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

Answer all the Questions                                                                                           10 x 10 = 100 Marks

  1. Enumerate viruses causing respiratory infections. Discuss pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Swine flu.
  2. Describe the dimorphic fungi. Discuss in detail Histoplasma capsulatum infection.
  3. Laboratory diagnosis of rabies.
  4. Chromoblastomycosis.
  5. Mycotoxicosis.
  6. Hepatitis A virus.
  7. Epidemiology and control measures to overcome Dengue.
  8. Cryptococcosis.
  9. Rhinosporidiosis.
  10. Ebola virus.

7357 Microbiology Paper III   Download


Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

M.D. Degree Examination – MAY-2018

[Time: 3 Hours]                                                                                                                    [Max. Marks: 100]

Systematic Bacteriology Parasitology
Q.P. CODE: 7358

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

Answer all the Questions                                                                                           10 X 10 = 100 Marks

  1. Describe the life cycle and laboratory diagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus infections. Add a note on its prevention.
  2. Discuss the life cycle and recent advances in the laboratory diagnosis and preventive measures of Trypanosoma gambiense.
  3. Dracunculus medinensis.
  4. Babesia
  5. Lesihmania donovanii.
  6. Laboratory diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica.
  7. Immunology of parasitic infections.
  8. Quantitative buffy coat smear examination.
  9. Trichomonas vaginalis.
  10. Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis


7358 Microbiology Paper IV   Download


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