BBA/MBA(5 Years Integrated Course) II & IV Sem (Regular) and I & III Sem(Backlog & Improvement) Exams August 2018

Osmania University Notification It is hereby notified that all the regular candidates of B.B.A./M.B.A. (5Yrs Integrated Course) II & IV-Semesters (Regular) and I & III-Semesters (Backlog & Improvement) Examinations are…

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Osmania University : Time Table for M.B.A I,II,III & IV Sem’s Backlog & Improvement Exams 2012.

Osmania University : Time Table for M.B.A I,II,III & IV Semester's Backlog & Improvement Examinations 2012. Click on the below links to Download the Time Tables : LINK 1 (OR)…

Continue ReadingOsmania University : Time Table for M.B.A I,II,III & IV Sem’s Backlog & Improvement Exams 2012.