JNTUH Question Papers New Pattern In Blooms Taxonomy
What is bloom’s taxonomy?
JNTUH Examination has adopted Blooms Taxonomy in B.Tech IInd year-IInd semester in selected branches to bring changes in the examination question paper to test the understanding and creative skills of the students in the academic year 2018-19. Now Blooms Taxonomy based question papers are proposed to extend for all the students of B.Tech/B.Pharm I-I, II-I, III-I, IV-I odd semester regular exams.
The motive of these changes is to bring a change in mindset for students, who are anticipating stereotyped questions especially relying on question banks rather than the text books. The subject teachers may be instructed to conduct the mid examinations by adapting Blooms Taxonomy. If the mid and quiz examinations are conducted at college-level to the students using this method, it will be of great help to the students so that they will be ready to face the University examination in the new method using Blooms Taxonomy.