How to give a Paper Presentation

The fear of presenting paper is common amongst the students. It is surprising and saddening that students lack the grit in them to go ahead and present just the contents prepared by them toiling hard for months. It is easy to surpass any obstacle when you enjoy what you are doing and it is just what you need to have in mind when you stand before the audience to present your own paper. Push yourself in taking pride to present your work and the key is to enjoy what you are doing.

Excitement and Anxiety

It does happen that you will feel excited and you will not be in total control of the situation when you climb the stairs of the stage and face the audience. Limit your body actions and show your composure in delivering the contents. Believe in yourself and keep in mind that all your hard work is in the climax stage of getting recognized. This is to keep you positive and you must not feel the pressure in you lingering about performance.


Preparation is extremely important to keep your mind confident. Do your home works properly on the paper and make sure that you know the contents of the paper inside out. Have spare hard and soft copies of your paper all the time to avoid last minute hassle. Take small notes if you really think that you might need it during the flow of presentation. Ensure that you organize the entire contents in a way that will be logically and technically correct.

Body Language

Stand erect and stay confident in your eyes while presenting the paper. See that you watch all the corners of the room when you deliver your words. Eye to eye contact is very important to keep the attention of the crowd to you. Never fold your hands or keep it on your waist at any time during the presentation which would bring in a picture that you are discontent. Restrict the motion of your arms and just gently use one of your arms to use a pointer or to show slides.

Communicating with Partner

When you have a partner to run the slides for you or you have some other person doing it, see to that you communicate through eyes to make him switch to the next slide. To keep it simple, you can say ?next slide?. It happens that your partner may run or miss a slide, in that case, never panic and direct the person to get you the correct slide.

Answering Queries

This session is not going to be a tough one as you know the paper completely. Be a good listener in receiving the question from the judges. Take few seconds to understand the question and give out your answer with confidence. Take care that you speak out all the words in the mic provided to you or it would displease the audience and they would take off their attention if your voice is breaking in the loud speakers.

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