Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, popularly known as GITAM was founded in 1980 by an inspired group of eminent intellectuals and industrialists of Andhra Pradesh led by Dr. M.V.V.S.Murthi, Former Member of Parliament and popular philanthropist. Their mission was to set up a world-class technology and management institution in the picturesque city of Visakhapatnam to impart futuristic and comprehensive professional education of global standards with a high sense of discipline and social relevance in a serene and invigorating environment. The avowed objective of GITAM is to train qualified professionals to shoulder the responsibility of contributing to the development of India as a ?Knowledge Society?.

GITAM is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act XXXI of 1860. Its registered office is situated at Visakhapatnam in the State of Andhra Pradesh. It is governed by a Governing Body consisting of eminent educationists, industrialists, professionals, experts, etc.

The successful saga of GITAM started with the establishment of a College of Engineering in 1980 offering a few undergraduate engineering programmes. Responding to the expanding needs in the fields of technology, management and pharmacy, a number of colleges and courses have been added to GITAM viz., College of Management Studies (1988), College of Pharmacy (2006) and GITAM Institute of Science (2007). All these institutions were established by creating necessary infrastructural facilities in the same campus spread over 100 acres of land. Separate buildings were provided for each institution following the AICTE as well as UGC norms. Over the years, GITAM has earned a high reputation as a premier institute of higher learning and its name has almost become a well-recognized ?brand name? for quality education in UG, PG and research programmes in Engineering, Management, Science and Pharmacy disciplines not only in Andhra Pradesh but also in other States and abroad.

GITAM University, with its main campus at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, is a Deemed University recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 in August 2007. After becoming a Deemed University, GITAM has launched many new and innovative UG and PG programmes as well as M.Phil and Ph.D programmes. Today GITAM University comprises four constituent institutions viz., (1). Institute of Technology (2) Institute of Management (3) Institute of Science, and (4) Institute of Pharmacy. Recently, the University has started an Off-campus at Hyderabad with the approval of UGC which offers four year B.Tech, two year MBA and three year MCA programmes with effect from the academic year 2009-10.

GITAM University is a multi-disciplinary university offering varied courses in emerging areas that bear a direct relationship to economic growth and development of the society. Most of the programmes constitute a balanced blend of the conventional courses and career oriented options, although in recent years the tilt is towards introduction of more career oriented options. The curriculum design takes into account the thrust on national development. Interactions within the University and with industries have been organized in the past and as a result, new programmes have been launched by the University. Courses promoting skills development and value orientation are also offered by the University and avenues for experimental learning are being attended. Computer skills have been incorporated as an integral part of the curriculum in many of the programmes offered by the University. Issues related to women and other socially disadvantaged groups find a place in post graduate programmes in management and other disciplines.

GITAM UNIVERSITY is structured with 5 institutes. Students can get registered in an any one of the Institutes depending upon the Degree / Program he / she is interested.

  • GITAM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Visakhapatnam offers 9 Undergraduate 13 Postgraduate, ?6 Research and 2 Evening Programs.
  • GITAM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, Visakhapatnam offers 3 Undergraduate,
    12 Postgraduate and?9 Research Programs.
  • GITAM INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, Visakhapatnam offers 2 Undergraduate 7 Postgraduate and?7 Research Programs.
  • GITAM INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY, Visakhapatnam offers 1 Undergraduate
    1 Postgraduate Program.
  • HYDERABAD Campus, has 8 Undergraduate Programs and 2 Postgraduate Programs.
Various Entrance Tests Conducted for Admission to GITAM University Programs
Sl.No. Name of the Entrance Test Test conducted for Admission to
1 GAT UGTP (TEST CODE 99) B.Tech / B.Pharmacy
2 GAT PGT?? (TEST CODE 88) M.Tech / MCA
3 GAT UGM (TEST CODE 77) BBM / Int. 5 year MBA
4 GAT PGM (TEST CODE 66) MBA / MHRM / PGADRIM / M.Sc. Management.
5 GAT PGP (TEST CODE 55) M.Pharmacy
6 GAT PGS / UGS? – M.Sc. Programs
TEST CODE 101 Applied Mathematics
TEST CODE 102 Physics / Electronic Science
TEST CODE 103 Analytical Chemistry / Organic Chemistry
TEST CODE 104 Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Microbiology / Food Science and Technology
TEST CODE 105 Bioinformatics
TEST CODE 106 Environmental Science
GAT PGS / UGS? – UG Programs
TEST CODE 107 Bachelor of Environmental Management (BEM) and 5 year Integrated M.Sc. in Biotechnology
TEST CODE 108 Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

For more details visit their official site

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