VB.NET n ASP.NET Projects, Loads of them!!!! Suitable for final year projetcs and mini projects

VB.NET n ASP.NET Projects, Loads of them!!!!
VB.NET Projects
Software Project Management System
Allows project managers to manage details related to projects,modules, components and elements of projects.

Systems Information
Allows any company or college or institute to maintain the information about computers, peripherals, vendors , softwares and softwares loaded on each computer.

Library Management
A typical library management software. Allows users to store details of members, books, issues and returns.

Software Tracker
Allows user to keep track of softwares that are available in different CDs. This allows user to store details of CDs, Sofwares etc. so that user can easily get information about which software is in which CD.

Sales Management System
Computerizes all steps right from customers placing an order to dispatching goods to customer and receipt of cheque.

Video Library System
Allows any video library to store details of members, cds and issues.

Students Information System
Stores information about courses, batches, students and payments.

Online Examination
Allows user to take exam on any of the available subjects.

Customer Support System
Stores details of complaints made by customers. Generates reports related to complaints and other important entities in a typical customer support system.

CD Library
Allows you to manage software CDs collection one has. It allows you to add new CDs, delete and search for softwares in CDs.

Finance Management
Allows you to store details of income and expenditure.

Institute Maintenance
Automates front-office operations of a typical training institute.

Fixed Deposits Maintenance
Stores details of all fixed deposits a person or a small company has. It allows you to generate reports related to deposits.

Chits Management
Computerizes daily operartions of a chit company. Operations such as bids, payment by members etc are handled.

Books Management
Keeps track of an individual’s personal library. Allows you to quickly search of books on a topic etc.

Cricket Statistics
Stores details of matches, players and other statistics.

Personal Accounting System
Allows all financial operations of an individual to be computerized.

School Management
Manages all transaction related to a typical school.

ASP.NET projects

Customer Relationship Management
Online Tenders
Intranet Messaging
Contracts Management Tool (ASP.NET 2.0)
Library Management (ASP.NET 2.0) for librarians

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