“Clarion is our annual technical fest at JBIET, EEE Dept,which provides a unique platform for the youth to stretch their imaginations to limit and exhibit their skills across a multitude of technically challenging, arduous and thought provoking events traversing all fields of engineering.
Clarion has evolved into a bigger celebration of technological grandeur, alongside an attempt to provide its enthusiastic participants a better environment to develop their skills and thoughts so as to make this world a better place to live in.
Clarion-2K11 is Scheduled on 5th March, 2011.
The following gives the description of Events:
PAPYRUS- ( Paper Presentations )
Paper presentation provides a platform for your views on today’s cutting edge technologies and also gives you an opportunity to upgrade yourself with many other innovations.
RULES: Last date for submission of ABSTRACT: 4th March.
Max. participants per team : 2
Fee: Registration fee – 100 + After selection – 150
Certificate will be issued to those who have submitted their paper. (Even if it not selected)
Paper should be in IEEE format.
ABILITA- (Mock Interviews )
Rounds of Interview: Written/Gd/HR Interview.
Highlights: > Mock Interview is going to be organised by IMS.
> Certificates are issued to RUNNER and WINNER. > Participation certificates are also issued to all the participants.
NOTE: Students must walk in with their RESUME (C.V.).
Registration fee : 30 per head.
PROTRUSION- ( Mini Project )
An opportunity to prove your skills, creativeness and imaginative power by creating some projects in our routine life.
NOTE: PROJECT must be exhibited practically.
Max. no. of participants are THREE PER TEAM.
Registration fee : ` 100 per team.
TEKNIKA- (circuit designing) Are you passionate and enthusiastic about circuits???Then Teknika is something that you would never like to miss!!!
1st round: Analyzing the circuit 2nd round: Connecting the correct circuit3rd round: Input and output parameters are given.
Note: For each clue marks are reduced.
No. of persons per team – 2
Registration fee : ` 30 per team.
ROBOTICA Robo Cop/Robo Wars/Robo Soccer.
NOTE: Spot Registrations are done for all ROBOTIC EVENTS.
TRANQUILIZE-(FUN ARCADE) “All work and no extra curricular activities makes jack a dull boy.”
Different events like Ad makingMovie spoofzRJ huntCreative point (paper craft, best of waste) and a lot more….
ROGER THAT!!-(Counter Strike 1.6) Time to get the frag’s !!!…
Team Formation :- 5 members per team ( call it as a clan) Compulsory Gifts TO ALL The Participants OF Lan -Gaming…So Hurry UP!!! So Bring Ur clan, Get the Frag’s ,. Win the Game ….Roger that!!!!! ….. Affirmative.!!!
Registration fee for LAN GAMING : ` Rs. 150 /- per Clan.
So, get ready fr loads of fun..Pull ur socks…!!!!!!!!!!
Come participate in these at JBIET on 5th March 2011.
Website :
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