Download VTU ((Visvesvaraya Technological University) B.E/B-Tech 2019 July ( Bachelor of Engineering) First & Second Semester (1st Semester & 2nd Semester) 2014 June-July lOCCP13 Computer Concepts and C Programming Question Paper
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First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
Computer Concepts and C Programming
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least two from each part.
u 2. Answer all objective type questions only in OMR sheet page 5 of the answer booklet.
0 3. Answer to objective type questions on sheets other than OMR will not be valued.
1 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) A computer converts data into this
(04 Marks)
A) information B) charts
ii) A device that holds a disk is called
C) software D) input or output
A) drive B) RAM C) ROM
iii) The terms dots per inch (dpi) refers to
D) memory
A) printer resolution B) printer speed C) printer output D) printer size
iv) The earliest computer were systems.
.7m _
b. Differentiate between system software and application software. (06 Marks)
C. ? V.
? --.
c. Explain with example, different type of printers. s (10 Marks)
:1? 3
-0 A) command line B) check box C) drop down list D) menu
bo c
ii) is one of the benefits using network.
al al
? t
A) File security B) Peripheral sharing
-E 74
iii) FTP sites are often called
i *
C) Protection from virus D) Folder creatio
'E g 1. A) channels B) archives C) groups D) domain
c.. c,.
P Q.
iv) DOS and Linux are examples of interface.
O (1
u d
A) old fashion B) GUI C) command line D) parallel
b. Explain in detail, various types of network topologies. (10 Marks)
,T4 q::
RI' '
c. Define the following:
,.. .
c -0
i) Thrashing ii) Buffering iii) Spooling
(06 Marks)
C 61)
? =
. 3 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
(04 Marks)
a) ?..
3. '
E >
i) Which of the following is a character constant?
o P.. )
A) 'C' B) "c" C) "b" D) "?"
o <
ii) Which field specification is used to refer short int?
._.: `"
? ?
A) %c B) %d C) %fd D) %hd
iii) A nibble is
A) 4 bits B) 8 bits C) 16 bits D) 32 bits
iv) Identify formatted console input function.
F.F. A) getchar( ) B) gets( ) C) scanf( ) D) fgets( )
b. Explain the structure of a C program. (06 Marks)
c. What are the different types of input and output functions? (10 Marks)
a. '
A) digital B) paper C) analog D) slide rule
9.. '?
. t4
2 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
(04 Marks)
u "' 0
,.. i) A list of command choices in an OS is called
1 of 3 - FirstRanker's Choice
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First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
Computer Concepts and C Programming
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least two from each part.
u 2. Answer all objective type questions only in OMR sheet page 5 of the answer booklet.
0 3. Answer to objective type questions on sheets other than OMR will not be valued.
1 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) A computer converts data into this
(04 Marks)
A) information B) charts
ii) A device that holds a disk is called
C) software D) input or output
A) drive B) RAM C) ROM
iii) The terms dots per inch (dpi) refers to
D) memory
A) printer resolution B) printer speed C) printer output D) printer size
iv) The earliest computer were systems.
.7m _
b. Differentiate between system software and application software. (06 Marks)
C. ? V.
? --.
c. Explain with example, different type of printers. s (10 Marks)
:1? 3
-0 A) command line B) check box C) drop down list D) menu
bo c
ii) is one of the benefits using network.
al al
? t
A) File security B) Peripheral sharing
-E 74
iii) FTP sites are often called
i *
C) Protection from virus D) Folder creatio
'E g 1. A) channels B) archives C) groups D) domain
c.. c,.
P Q.
iv) DOS and Linux are examples of interface.
O (1
u d
A) old fashion B) GUI C) command line D) parallel
b. Explain in detail, various types of network topologies. (10 Marks)
,T4 q::
RI' '
c. Define the following:
,.. .
c -0
i) Thrashing ii) Buffering iii) Spooling
(06 Marks)
C 61)
? =
. 3 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
(04 Marks)
a) ?..
3. '
E >
i) Which of the following is a character constant?
o P.. )
A) 'C' B) "c" C) "b" D) "?"
o <
ii) Which field specification is used to refer short int?
._.: `"
? ?
A) %c B) %d C) %fd D) %hd
iii) A nibble is
A) 4 bits B) 8 bits C) 16 bits D) 32 bits
iv) Identify formatted console input function.
F.F. A) getchar( ) B) gets( ) C) scanf( ) D) fgets( )
b. Explain the structure of a C program. (06 Marks)
c. What are the different types of input and output functions? (10 Marks)
a. '
A) digital B) paper C) analog D) slide rule
9.. '?
. t4
2 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
(04 Marks)
u "' 0
,.. i) A list of command choices in an OS is called
1 of 3
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4 a. Choose the correct answt arra:, (04 Marks
i) A is name given to the memory location where data can be stored, accessed c
A) string B) keyword C) reserved word D) variable
ii) The data type does not occupy any space in the memory.
A) long int B) float C) void D) double
iii) An operator which acts on 3 operands
A) Unary operator B) Key operator
C) Binary operator D) Ternary operator
iv) What is the output of the following code?
main ( )
{printf ("%d", A'); )
A) 65 B) A C) 65.0 D) Error
b. Evaluate the expressions where a = 8, b = 15, c = 4.
i) 2*((a%5)*(4+(b ? 3)/(c + 2)))
ii) 100 / 20 < = 10 ? 5 + 100 % 10 ? 20 = = 5 > -- 1! = 20 (06 Marks)
c. Write a C program to find and output all the r oots of a quadratic equation for non zero
coefficients. (10 Marks)
5 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) The default return type of function is
A) int B) float
ii) Which is the user defined function?
A) main( ) B) sqrt( )
iii) A function that calls itself is known as
A) recursive function B) iterative function
C) main function D) none of these
iv) Parameters passed as arguments to the function call are called as
A) actual parameters B) formal parameters
or vii C) no parameters D) none of these
Design and develop a function rightrot (x, n) in C that returns the value of the integer x ,.
rotated to the right by n bit positions as an unsigned integer. Invoke the function from the
main with different values for x and n and print the results with suitable headings. (08 Marks)
c. How are functions categorized based on the value returned by the function and parameter
(04 Marks)
C) char lk D) void
C) clrscr( ) 1 D) gets( )
6 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) Each case statement in switch is separated by
A) break B) continue C) exit
ii) Several statements grouped together in braces is called
A) compound B) equivalent C) complex
iii) In C language, "x?y:z" is equivalent to
A) if (x = = 0)y; else z; B) if (x = = 1)z; else y;
C) if (x = =0)y; z; D) if (x = = 1)y; else z;
iv) How many times is the following loop executed
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
{printf ("Hello");)
A) 1 B) 6 C) zero
b. Write a C program to find the sum of N natural numbers.
c. What is the purpose of a switch case statement? Explain with syntax.
2 of 3
(08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
D) goto
D) simple
D) infinite
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks) - FirstRanker's Choice
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First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
Computer Concepts and C Programming
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least two from each part.
u 2. Answer all objective type questions only in OMR sheet page 5 of the answer booklet.
0 3. Answer to objective type questions on sheets other than OMR will not be valued.
1 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) A computer converts data into this
(04 Marks)
A) information B) charts
ii) A device that holds a disk is called
C) software D) input or output
A) drive B) RAM C) ROM
iii) The terms dots per inch (dpi) refers to
D) memory
A) printer resolution B) printer speed C) printer output D) printer size
iv) The earliest computer were systems.
.7m _
b. Differentiate between system software and application software. (06 Marks)
C. ? V.
? --.
c. Explain with example, different type of printers. s (10 Marks)
:1? 3
-0 A) command line B) check box C) drop down list D) menu
bo c
ii) is one of the benefits using network.
al al
? t
A) File security B) Peripheral sharing
-E 74
iii) FTP sites are often called
i *
C) Protection from virus D) Folder creatio
'E g 1. A) channels B) archives C) groups D) domain
c.. c,.
P Q.
iv) DOS and Linux are examples of interface.
O (1
u d
A) old fashion B) GUI C) command line D) parallel
b. Explain in detail, various types of network topologies. (10 Marks)
,T4 q::
RI' '
c. Define the following:
,.. .
c -0
i) Thrashing ii) Buffering iii) Spooling
(06 Marks)
C 61)
? =
. 3 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
(04 Marks)
a) ?..
3. '
E >
i) Which of the following is a character constant?
o P.. )
A) 'C' B) "c" C) "b" D) "?"
o <
ii) Which field specification is used to refer short int?
._.: `"
? ?
A) %c B) %d C) %fd D) %hd
iii) A nibble is
A) 4 bits B) 8 bits C) 16 bits D) 32 bits
iv) Identify formatted console input function.
F.F. A) getchar( ) B) gets( ) C) scanf( ) D) fgets( )
b. Explain the structure of a C program. (06 Marks)
c. What are the different types of input and output functions? (10 Marks)
a. '
A) digital B) paper C) analog D) slide rule
9.. '?
. t4
2 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
(04 Marks)
u "' 0
,.. i) A list of command choices in an OS is called
1 of 3
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4 a. Choose the correct answt arra:, (04 Marks
i) A is name given to the memory location where data can be stored, accessed c
A) string B) keyword C) reserved word D) variable
ii) The data type does not occupy any space in the memory.
A) long int B) float C) void D) double
iii) An operator which acts on 3 operands
A) Unary operator B) Key operator
C) Binary operator D) Ternary operator
iv) What is the output of the following code?
main ( )
{printf ("%d", A'); )
A) 65 B) A C) 65.0 D) Error
b. Evaluate the expressions where a = 8, b = 15, c = 4.
i) 2*((a%5)*(4+(b ? 3)/(c + 2)))
ii) 100 / 20 < = 10 ? 5 + 100 % 10 ? 20 = = 5 > -- 1! = 20 (06 Marks)
c. Write a C program to find and output all the r oots of a quadratic equation for non zero
coefficients. (10 Marks)
5 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) The default return type of function is
A) int B) float
ii) Which is the user defined function?
A) main( ) B) sqrt( )
iii) A function that calls itself is known as
A) recursive function B) iterative function
C) main function D) none of these
iv) Parameters passed as arguments to the function call are called as
A) actual parameters B) formal parameters
or vii C) no parameters D) none of these
Design and develop a function rightrot (x, n) in C that returns the value of the integer x ,.
rotated to the right by n bit positions as an unsigned integer. Invoke the function from the
main with different values for x and n and print the results with suitable headings. (08 Marks)
c. How are functions categorized based on the value returned by the function and parameter
(04 Marks)
C) char lk D) void
C) clrscr( ) 1 D) gets( )
6 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) Each case statement in switch is separated by
A) break B) continue C) exit
ii) Several statements grouped together in braces is called
A) compound B) equivalent C) complex
iii) In C language, "x?y:z" is equivalent to
A) if (x = = 0)y; else z; B) if (x = = 1)z; else y;
C) if (x = =0)y; z; D) if (x = = 1)y; else z;
iv) How many times is the following loop executed
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
{printf ("Hello");)
A) 1 B) 6 C) zero
b. Write a C program to find the sum of N natural numbers.
c. What is the purpose of a switch case statement? Explain with syntax.
2 of 3
(08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
D) goto
D) simple
D) infinite
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks)
C) 16 D) none of these
ii) If A[4] is declaration, then the first and last array index will be
A) 1, 4 B) 0, 3 C) 3, 0 D) none of these
iii) A function that is used to string copy is
A) strcopy( ) B) strcpy( ) C) copystring( ) D) concat( )
iv) Given A[3][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; The element in 3
row 2
col is
A) 3 B) 4 C) 6 D) 2
b. Explain initialization and declaration of 2D array. (08 Marks)
c. Write a C program to input N integers in a single dimensional array and sort them in
ascending order using Bubble sort. (08 Marks)
lOCCP 13/23
(04 Marks)
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7 a. Choose the correct answer.. _ .
i) The number of elements in array A[3][4] is
A) 8 B) 12
8 a. Choose the correct answers for the following : (04 Marks)
i) execution of an instruction in a computer system is referred as parallel
A) Sequential B) Serial C) Accurate D) Simultaneous
ii) Open MP`stands for
A) open multi parallelism B) organized multi programming
C) open multi programming D) organized multi parallelism
iii) An example of environment variable in open MP is
A) OMP_thread_limit B) OMP init lock
C) OMP_thread_ref D) OMP get byname
iv) Which of the following can be used as resource in parallel computing?
A) Single computer with multi process B) Network of computers
C) Combination of above D) None of these
b. What are threads? Give the advantages and disadvantages of multiple threads. (08 Marks)
c. Design and develop a parallel program in C to determine and print prime numbers which are
less than 100 making use of the algorithm of Sieve of Eratosthenes. (08 Marks)
3 of 3 - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 01 January 2020