Download VTU B-Tech/B.E 2019 June-July 1st And 2nd Semester 2015 Jan 2014 Dec 14CIV18 Environmental Studies Question Paper

Download VTU ((Visvesvaraya Technological University) B.E/B-Tech 2019 July ( Bachelor of Engineering) First & Second Semester (1st Semester & 2nd Semester) 2015 Jan 2014 Dec 14CIV18 Environmental Studies Question Paper

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Question Paper Version : D
First Semester B.E Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries one mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invlig

5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. The wild life protection Act was enacted in the year
a) 1972 b) 1994 c) 1986

d) 2000
2. The leader of Chipko movement is
a) Vandana Shiva b) Suresh Heblikar
c) Medha Patkar d) Sunderlal Bahuguna
3. Which state is having highest women literacy rate in India?
a) Karnataka b) Kerala c) Punjab d) Rajasthan
4. Amount of oxygen present in atmospheric air is
a) 0.03% b) 21% c) 36% d) 0.9%
5. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having least storage
capacity of matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Biosphere d) Hydrosphere
6. PVC stands for
a) Poly Vinyl Carbon
c) Poly Vanadium Chloride
7. The pH value of the acid rain water is
a) less than 2.7 b) less than 5.7
b) Poly Vinyl Chloride
d) None of these
c) less than 3.7 d) less than 1.7
D - 1 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Question Paper Version : D
First Semester B.E Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries one mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invlig

5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. The wild life protection Act was enacted in the year
a) 1972 b) 1994 c) 1986

d) 2000
2. The leader of Chipko movement is
a) Vandana Shiva b) Suresh Heblikar
c) Medha Patkar d) Sunderlal Bahuguna
3. Which state is having highest women literacy rate in India?
a) Karnataka b) Kerala c) Punjab d) Rajasthan
4. Amount of oxygen present in atmospheric air is
a) 0.03% b) 21% c) 36% d) 0.9%
5. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having least storage
capacity of matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Biosphere d) Hydrosphere
6. PVC stands for
a) Poly Vinyl Carbon
c) Poly Vanadium Chloride
7. The pH value of the acid rain water is
a) less than 2.7 b) less than 5.7
b) Poly Vinyl Chloride
d) None of these
c) less than 3.7 d) less than 1.7
D - 1
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8. Each chlorine free radical can destroy the following number of ozone molecules
a) 1,00,000 b) 10,000 c) 100 d) 1000
9. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Acid rain causes stone cancer b) Acid rain reduces soil fertility
c) Acid rain results in acidification of water bodies.
d) All of these
10. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone layer is
a) Oxygen b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane
11. Noise is measured in
a) Decibels b) Joules c) PPM d) NTU
12. Which of the following is air pollutant?
a) 02 b) CO C) N2 d) All of these
33. In our country the percentage of land under forest is about
a) 15% b) 25% c) 35%
14. Sound beyond which of the following level can be regarded as pollutant?
a) 40dB b) 80dB' c) 120 dB
15. BOD means
a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
c) Biological Oxygen Demand
b) Biophysical Oxygen Demand
d) All of these
16. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
a) 1.0 mg/t b) 1.25 met c) 1.50rnet d) 1.75mg/t
Cholera and Typhoid are caused by
a) Worms b) Virus c) Bacteria d) Fungus
18. Conversion of ammonium to NO3 by chemical oxidation is termed as
a) Nitrification b) Leaching c) Reduction d) Mineralization
d) 19%
19. The liquid waste generated from baths and kitchens is called as
a) Sullage b) Domestic sewage c) Run off
20. Minamata episode of Japan is due to the poisoning of
a) Cadmium b) Strontium c) Lead
21. The word 'Environment' is derived from
a) English b) French ) Latin
d) Storm waste
d) Mercury
d) Spanish
22. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called
a) Food chain b) Carbon cycle c) Hydrological cycle d) Anthroposystem
D - 2 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Question Paper Version : D
First Semester B.E Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries one mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invlig

5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. The wild life protection Act was enacted in the year
a) 1972 b) 1994 c) 1986

d) 2000
2. The leader of Chipko movement is
a) Vandana Shiva b) Suresh Heblikar
c) Medha Patkar d) Sunderlal Bahuguna
3. Which state is having highest women literacy rate in India?
a) Karnataka b) Kerala c) Punjab d) Rajasthan
4. Amount of oxygen present in atmospheric air is
a) 0.03% b) 21% c) 36% d) 0.9%
5. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having least storage
capacity of matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Biosphere d) Hydrosphere
6. PVC stands for
a) Poly Vinyl Carbon
c) Poly Vanadium Chloride
7. The pH value of the acid rain water is
a) less than 2.7 b) less than 5.7
b) Poly Vinyl Chloride
d) None of these
c) less than 3.7 d) less than 1.7
D - 1
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8. Each chlorine free radical can destroy the following number of ozone molecules
a) 1,00,000 b) 10,000 c) 100 d) 1000
9. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Acid rain causes stone cancer b) Acid rain reduces soil fertility
c) Acid rain results in acidification of water bodies.
d) All of these
10. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone layer is
a) Oxygen b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane
11. Noise is measured in
a) Decibels b) Joules c) PPM d) NTU
12. Which of the following is air pollutant?
a) 02 b) CO C) N2 d) All of these
33. In our country the percentage of land under forest is about
a) 15% b) 25% c) 35%
14. Sound beyond which of the following level can be regarded as pollutant?
a) 40dB b) 80dB' c) 120 dB
15. BOD means
a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
c) Biological Oxygen Demand
b) Biophysical Oxygen Demand
d) All of these
16. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
a) 1.0 mg/t b) 1.25 met c) 1.50rnet d) 1.75mg/t
Cholera and Typhoid are caused by
a) Worms b) Virus c) Bacteria d) Fungus
18. Conversion of ammonium to NO3 by chemical oxidation is termed as
a) Nitrification b) Leaching c) Reduction d) Mineralization
d) 19%
19. The liquid waste generated from baths and kitchens is called as
a) Sullage b) Domestic sewage c) Run off
20. Minamata episode of Japan is due to the poisoning of
a) Cadmium b) Strontium c) Lead
21. The word 'Environment' is derived from
a) English b) French ) Latin
d) Storm waste
d) Mercury
d) Spanish
22. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called
a) Food chain b) Carbon cycle c) Hydrological cycle d) Anthroposystem
D - 2
28. Which of the following is considered as an alternate fuel?
a) Coal b) CNG c) Kerosene
29. Nitrogen fixing bacteria exists in of plants
a) Leaf b) Stem c) Flower
30. Domesticated animals are used for
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23. Which pyramid is always upright?
a) Number b) Biomass c) Energy
24. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Helium c) Carbon dioxide
25. Which atmospheric sphere is closest to the earth surface?
a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere c) Stratosphere
66. Excess nitrates in drinking water is likely to cause
a) Fluorosis b) Minamata c) Blue babies
d) None of these
d) Ozone
d) Exosphere
d) None of these
27. Environmental protection is the fundamental duties of the citizen of India under the
a) 51 ? A(g) , b) 48 ? A c) 47 d) 21
a) Dairy products ?i
b) Production of fiber
c) Production of meat d) All of these
26. Formation of ozone layer is explained by reaction.
a) Chapman's reaction b) Henderson's reaction
c) Rosemund's reaction d) Perkin's reaction
27. The Environmental Protection Act 1986 deals with
a) Water b) Air c) Soil d) All of these
28. The first united national conference on human environment was held in the year 1972 at
a) Kyoto b) Vienna c) Stockholm d) London
29. GIS, can be expanded as
a) Geological Information System b) Geodynamic Intimation System
c) Geographic Information System d) Geographic Internet System
30. The Forest Conservation Act was enacted in the year
a) 1986 b) 1974 c) 1980

d) 1972
31. As per the census of 2011, the India's literacy rate is
a) 82.14% b) 65.46% c) 74.04% d) 54.16%
32. Which of the following age structure pyramid indicates stable population?
a) Pyramid shaped b) Bell shaped c) An urn shaped d) None of these
D - 3 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Question Paper Version : D
First Semester B.E Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries one mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invlig

5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. The wild life protection Act was enacted in the year
a) 1972 b) 1994 c) 1986

d) 2000
2. The leader of Chipko movement is
a) Vandana Shiva b) Suresh Heblikar
c) Medha Patkar d) Sunderlal Bahuguna
3. Which state is having highest women literacy rate in India?
a) Karnataka b) Kerala c) Punjab d) Rajasthan
4. Amount of oxygen present in atmospheric air is
a) 0.03% b) 21% c) 36% d) 0.9%
5. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having least storage
capacity of matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Biosphere d) Hydrosphere
6. PVC stands for
a) Poly Vinyl Carbon
c) Poly Vanadium Chloride
7. The pH value of the acid rain water is
a) less than 2.7 b) less than 5.7
b) Poly Vinyl Chloride
d) None of these
c) less than 3.7 d) less than 1.7
D - 1
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8. Each chlorine free radical can destroy the following number of ozone molecules
a) 1,00,000 b) 10,000 c) 100 d) 1000
9. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Acid rain causes stone cancer b) Acid rain reduces soil fertility
c) Acid rain results in acidification of water bodies.
d) All of these
10. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone layer is
a) Oxygen b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane
11. Noise is measured in
a) Decibels b) Joules c) PPM d) NTU
12. Which of the following is air pollutant?
a) 02 b) CO C) N2 d) All of these
33. In our country the percentage of land under forest is about
a) 15% b) 25% c) 35%
14. Sound beyond which of the following level can be regarded as pollutant?
a) 40dB b) 80dB' c) 120 dB
15. BOD means
a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
c) Biological Oxygen Demand
b) Biophysical Oxygen Demand
d) All of these
16. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
a) 1.0 mg/t b) 1.25 met c) 1.50rnet d) 1.75mg/t
Cholera and Typhoid are caused by
a) Worms b) Virus c) Bacteria d) Fungus
18. Conversion of ammonium to NO3 by chemical oxidation is termed as
a) Nitrification b) Leaching c) Reduction d) Mineralization
d) 19%
19. The liquid waste generated from baths and kitchens is called as
a) Sullage b) Domestic sewage c) Run off
20. Minamata episode of Japan is due to the poisoning of
a) Cadmium b) Strontium c) Lead
21. The word 'Environment' is derived from
a) English b) French ) Latin
d) Storm waste
d) Mercury
d) Spanish
22. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called
a) Food chain b) Carbon cycle c) Hydrological cycle d) Anthroposystem
D - 2
28. Which of the following is considered as an alternate fuel?
a) Coal b) CNG c) Kerosene
29. Nitrogen fixing bacteria exists in of plants
a) Leaf b) Stem c) Flower
30. Domesticated animals are used for
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23. Which pyramid is always upright?
a) Number b) Biomass c) Energy
24. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Helium c) Carbon dioxide
25. Which atmospheric sphere is closest to the earth surface?
a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere c) Stratosphere
66. Excess nitrates in drinking water is likely to cause
a) Fluorosis b) Minamata c) Blue babies
d) None of these
d) Ozone
d) Exosphere
d) None of these
27. Environmental protection is the fundamental duties of the citizen of India under the
a) 51 ? A(g) , b) 48 ? A c) 47 d) 21
a) Dairy products ?i
b) Production of fiber
c) Production of meat d) All of these
26. Formation of ozone layer is explained by reaction.
a) Chapman's reaction b) Henderson's reaction
c) Rosemund's reaction d) Perkin's reaction
27. The Environmental Protection Act 1986 deals with
a) Water b) Air c) Soil d) All of these
28. The first united national conference on human environment was held in the year 1972 at
a) Kyoto b) Vienna c) Stockholm d) London
29. GIS, can be expanded as
a) Geological Information System b) Geodynamic Intimation System
c) Geographic Information System d) Geographic Internet System
30. The Forest Conservation Act was enacted in the year
a) 1986 b) 1974 c) 1980

d) 1972
31. As per the census of 2011, the India's literacy rate is
a) 82.14% b) 65.46% c) 74.04% d) 54.16%
32. Which of the following age structure pyramid indicates stable population?
a) Pyramid shaped b) Bell shaped c) An urn shaped d) None of these
D - 3
d) 6 to 8.5
d) Not changin
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38. Methyl Isocyanate gas tragedy took place in the year
a) 1984 b) 1976 c) 1992 d) 1989
39. Which green house gas is known as colourless, sweetish odour and laughing gas?
a) Methane b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Nitrous oxide
40. Ozone layer absorbs
a) Cosmic rays b) UV rays c) Infrared rays d) None of these
4L The energy obtained from flowing water is
a) Tidal energy b) Hydropower energy c) Thermal energy d) None:kif
42. Identify the nonrenewable source of energy from the following :
a) Wind power b) Hydropower c) Solar power 4)!'
43. What is the permissible range of pH for drinking water as per th6 Indian standards?
a) 6 to 9 b) 6.5 to 7.5 c) 6.5 to 8.5
44. The average life expectancy around the world is currently
a) Increasing b) Decreasing c) Stabilizing
45. Who is the author of the book 'Silent Spring'?
a) Robin cook b) Arthur Hailey c) Rachel Carson d) Darwin
46. 22nd April of every year is celebrated as
a) Environmental day
c) Earth day
b) United National day
d) World AIDS day.
47. Plant use
a) Oxygen
gas for photosynthesis.
b), .Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Methane
48. The thickness of the earth's crust is
a) Between 5 to 70km b) 200 km
c) 500 km d) 1000 km
49. EIA can be expanded as
a) Environmental Important Activity
c) Environmental Impact Assessment
b) Eco ? Industrial Act
d) Environmental Industrial Impact
50. In an aquatic ecosystem phytoplankton can be considered as a
a) Consumer b) Producer c) Macro consumer d) None of these - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 01 January 2020