Download RGUHS B.Pharm Question Bank POC I QP Bank

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) B.Pharm Important Question Bank (Bachelor of Pharmacy) POC I QP Bank (Latest Important Questions Unit Wise)

Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in
a) Discuss the rearrangement of carbocation with suitable examples.
b) Explain kinetics and mechanism of SN
reaction by selecting an appropriate example.
a) Give the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction with suitable
b) Explain the reactivity and orientation of activating and deactivating groups with suitable
15 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide? Discuss the mechanism
involved in the presence and absence of peroxide.
a) When benzene treated with n-propyl chloride will not give the n-propyl benzene as a
major product why? Discuss the mechanism.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Methyl group in benzene ii) Amine group in
What are elimination reactions? Discuss the kinetics, mechanism, orientation and reactivity
of E1 reaction.
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in benzene ii) Nitro group in
19 a) Define and classify carbocation. Add a note on stability of carbocation.
b) Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 reactions.
What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Explain the theory of reactivity and
orientation with examples. - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in
a) Discuss the rearrangement of carbocation with suitable examples.
b) Explain kinetics and mechanism of SN
reaction by selecting an appropriate example.
a) Give the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction with suitable
b) Explain the reactivity and orientation of activating and deactivating groups with suitable
15 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide? Discuss the mechanism
involved in the presence and absence of peroxide.
a) When benzene treated with n-propyl chloride will not give the n-propyl benzene as a
major product why? Discuss the mechanism.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Methyl group in benzene ii) Amine group in
What are elimination reactions? Discuss the kinetics, mechanism, orientation and reactivity
of E1 reaction.
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in benzene ii) Nitro group in
19 a) Define and classify carbocation. Add a note on stability of carbocation.
b) Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 reactions.
What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Explain the theory of reactivity and
orientation with examples.

Short Essays:
1 Discuss the Bayer?s strain theory with limitations.
2 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
3 Explain the mechanism of free radical addition reaction with suitable example.
4 Discuss allyl radical as resonance hybrid with orbital pictures.
5 Explain the mechanism of Benzoin condensation.
6 Why carboxylic acid are acidic in nature? Write the effect of electron withdrawing groups
on acidity.
7 Define and classify poly nuclear hydrocarbons. Outline the Howarth?s synthesis of
8 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
9 Define and classify carbenes. Write any two methods of generation of carbenes
10 Discuss the mechanism of 1,2 & 1,4 addition reaction with examples
11 Write the general reaction of nucleophilic addition in aldehydes. Add a note on Grignard
12 Carboxylic acids are acidic in nature, Why? Chloro acetic acid is more acidic than acetic
acid. Give reason.
13 Define with example a) Angle strain b) Huckel?s rule c) Poly nuclear hydrocarbons d)
Electrophiles e) Nucleophiles.
14 What happens when isobutyl alcohol is treated with sulphuric acid? Discuss the
15 What is peroxide effect? Write its mechanism.
16 Discuss allyl cation as resonance hybrid with orbital picture.
17 Outline the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
18 Explain ionisation of carboxylic acid and write the structure of carboxylate anion.
19 What are cycloalkanes? Write any three methods of preparation.
20 Explain dehydration of alcohol with mechanism.
21 Discuss the stability of conjugated dienes with examples.
22 Explain Cannizzaro condensation with mechanism.
23 Write the conversion of acid to acid chloride, amide and ester. - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in
a) Discuss the rearrangement of carbocation with suitable examples.
b) Explain kinetics and mechanism of SN
reaction by selecting an appropriate example.
a) Give the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction with suitable
b) Explain the reactivity and orientation of activating and deactivating groups with suitable
15 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide? Discuss the mechanism
involved in the presence and absence of peroxide.
a) When benzene treated with n-propyl chloride will not give the n-propyl benzene as a
major product why? Discuss the mechanism.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Methyl group in benzene ii) Amine group in
What are elimination reactions? Discuss the kinetics, mechanism, orientation and reactivity
of E1 reaction.
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in benzene ii) Nitro group in
19 a) Define and classify carbocation. Add a note on stability of carbocation.
b) Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 reactions.
What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Explain the theory of reactivity and
orientation with examples.

Short Essays:
1 Discuss the Bayer?s strain theory with limitations.
2 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
3 Explain the mechanism of free radical addition reaction with suitable example.
4 Discuss allyl radical as resonance hybrid with orbital pictures.
5 Explain the mechanism of Benzoin condensation.
6 Why carboxylic acid are acidic in nature? Write the effect of electron withdrawing groups
on acidity.
7 Define and classify poly nuclear hydrocarbons. Outline the Howarth?s synthesis of
8 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
9 Define and classify carbenes. Write any two methods of generation of carbenes
10 Discuss the mechanism of 1,2 & 1,4 addition reaction with examples
11 Write the general reaction of nucleophilic addition in aldehydes. Add a note on Grignard
12 Carboxylic acids are acidic in nature, Why? Chloro acetic acid is more acidic than acetic
acid. Give reason.
13 Define with example a) Angle strain b) Huckel?s rule c) Poly nuclear hydrocarbons d)
Electrophiles e) Nucleophiles.
14 What happens when isobutyl alcohol is treated with sulphuric acid? Discuss the
15 What is peroxide effect? Write its mechanism.
16 Discuss allyl cation as resonance hybrid with orbital picture.
17 Outline the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
18 Explain ionisation of carboxylic acid and write the structure of carboxylate anion.
19 What are cycloalkanes? Write any three methods of preparation.
20 Explain dehydration of alcohol with mechanism.
21 Discuss the stability of conjugated dienes with examples.
22 Explain Cannizzaro condensation with mechanism.
23 Write the conversion of acid to acid chloride, amide and ester.
24 Explain the mechanism of Markovnikov?s rule with suitable example.
25 Predict the alkenes obtained from dehydrohalogenation of a) 1-chloro pentane b) 2-chloro
pentane c) 2-chloro 2-methyl pentane
26 Explain the mechanism of anti-Markovnikov?s addition reaction with suitable example.
27 Outline the synthesis of Anthracene by Haworth?s method.
28 Write the mechanism of Claisen condensation
29 Explain the resonance structure and molecular orbital picture of carboxylate anion.
30 Discuss the stability of cycloalkanes.
31 Write the mechanism and orientation of E
reaction with suitable example.
32 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide in presence of peroxide?
Discuss the mechanism.
33 Explain the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
34 Explain the acidity of carboxylic acid and the effect of substituents on acidity.
35 Write the Haworth synthesis of naphthalene.
36 What is Aldol condensation? Discuss the mechanism involved.
37 Discuss the Mechanism and reactivity of Elimination Uni-molecular reaction by selecting
an appropriate example.
38 Define and classify attacking reagents with examples.
39 What are Cycloaddition reactions? Explain Diel?s alder reaction with mechanism.
40 Why conjugated dienes are more stable than non conjugated dienes explain.
41 Give one method each for the conversion of carboxylic acids into acid chlorides, ester and
42 Explain the factors affecting nucleophilic aliphatic substitution reaction
43 Explain Sache- Mohe theory and moleculecular orbital concept of cycloalkanes.
44 Write a note on hyper conjugation with suitable examples.
45 Define esterification. Add a note Hatu coupling reaction.
46 Explain esterification reaction with mechanism.
47 Write the difference between SN
and SN
48 Write any three methods of preparation of cycloalkanes. - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in
a) Discuss the rearrangement of carbocation with suitable examples.
b) Explain kinetics and mechanism of SN
reaction by selecting an appropriate example.
a) Give the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction with suitable
b) Explain the reactivity and orientation of activating and deactivating groups with suitable
15 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide? Discuss the mechanism
involved in the presence and absence of peroxide.
a) When benzene treated with n-propyl chloride will not give the n-propyl benzene as a
major product why? Discuss the mechanism.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Methyl group in benzene ii) Amine group in
What are elimination reactions? Discuss the kinetics, mechanism, orientation and reactivity
of E1 reaction.
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in benzene ii) Nitro group in
19 a) Define and classify carbocation. Add a note on stability of carbocation.
b) Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 reactions.
What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Explain the theory of reactivity and
orientation with examples.

Short Essays:
1 Discuss the Bayer?s strain theory with limitations.
2 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
3 Explain the mechanism of free radical addition reaction with suitable example.
4 Discuss allyl radical as resonance hybrid with orbital pictures.
5 Explain the mechanism of Benzoin condensation.
6 Why carboxylic acid are acidic in nature? Write the effect of electron withdrawing groups
on acidity.
7 Define and classify poly nuclear hydrocarbons. Outline the Howarth?s synthesis of
8 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
9 Define and classify carbenes. Write any two methods of generation of carbenes
10 Discuss the mechanism of 1,2 & 1,4 addition reaction with examples
11 Write the general reaction of nucleophilic addition in aldehydes. Add a note on Grignard
12 Carboxylic acids are acidic in nature, Why? Chloro acetic acid is more acidic than acetic
acid. Give reason.
13 Define with example a) Angle strain b) Huckel?s rule c) Poly nuclear hydrocarbons d)
Electrophiles e) Nucleophiles.
14 What happens when isobutyl alcohol is treated with sulphuric acid? Discuss the
15 What is peroxide effect? Write its mechanism.
16 Discuss allyl cation as resonance hybrid with orbital picture.
17 Outline the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
18 Explain ionisation of carboxylic acid and write the structure of carboxylate anion.
19 What are cycloalkanes? Write any three methods of preparation.
20 Explain dehydration of alcohol with mechanism.
21 Discuss the stability of conjugated dienes with examples.
22 Explain Cannizzaro condensation with mechanism.
23 Write the conversion of acid to acid chloride, amide and ester.
24 Explain the mechanism of Markovnikov?s rule with suitable example.
25 Predict the alkenes obtained from dehydrohalogenation of a) 1-chloro pentane b) 2-chloro
pentane c) 2-chloro 2-methyl pentane
26 Explain the mechanism of anti-Markovnikov?s addition reaction with suitable example.
27 Outline the synthesis of Anthracene by Haworth?s method.
28 Write the mechanism of Claisen condensation
29 Explain the resonance structure and molecular orbital picture of carboxylate anion.
30 Discuss the stability of cycloalkanes.
31 Write the mechanism and orientation of E
reaction with suitable example.
32 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide in presence of peroxide?
Discuss the mechanism.
33 Explain the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
34 Explain the acidity of carboxylic acid and the effect of substituents on acidity.
35 Write the Haworth synthesis of naphthalene.
36 What is Aldol condensation? Discuss the mechanism involved.
37 Discuss the Mechanism and reactivity of Elimination Uni-molecular reaction by selecting
an appropriate example.
38 Define and classify attacking reagents with examples.
39 What are Cycloaddition reactions? Explain Diel?s alder reaction with mechanism.
40 Why conjugated dienes are more stable than non conjugated dienes explain.
41 Give one method each for the conversion of carboxylic acids into acid chlorides, ester and
42 Explain the factors affecting nucleophilic aliphatic substitution reaction
43 Explain Sache- Mohe theory and moleculecular orbital concept of cycloalkanes.
44 Write a note on hyper conjugation with suitable examples.
45 Define esterification. Add a note Hatu coupling reaction.
46 Explain esterification reaction with mechanism.
47 Write the difference between SN
and SN
48 Write any three methods of preparation of cycloalkanes.

Short Answers:
1 What is Frie?s rearrangement? Write an example
2 Define diazocoupling reaction with example.
3 Write the Hoffmann rearrangement with example.
4 Define and classify carbanion with examples
State saytzeff?s rule.
6 Write the chlorination of methane.
7 Outline the generation of free radicals.
8 Define metamerism with example.
9 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a)Formic acid b) Neopentane
10 Write the structure of a) Acetanilide b) Acetophenone
11 Write Smith reaction with examples.
12 Outline the Gattermann reaction with example.
13 Write the possible resonance structures of phenoxide ion
14 Define Hofmann?s elimination with example.
15 Write the stability of free radicals with example.
16 Define Homolytic bond breaking with example.
17 Why ethanol is higher boiling point than the dimethyl ether?
18 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Isopropyl alcohol b) Ethyl acetoacetate
19 Write structure of cis and trans 2-butene.
20 What is Williamson?s synthesis? Give an example.
21 Write diazotisation reaction with example.
22 Define and classify nitrenes.
23 Write the stability of carbanion.
24 Write the difference between E1 and E2 reaction.
25 What is free radical substitution reaction? Give an example
26 Classify free radicals with examples.
27 Define functional and positional isomerism with example.
28 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Acetic acid b) Formamide
29 Write the structure of a) Aniline b) o-cresol - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in
a) Discuss the rearrangement of carbocation with suitable examples.
b) Explain kinetics and mechanism of SN
reaction by selecting an appropriate example.
a) Give the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction with suitable
b) Explain the reactivity and orientation of activating and deactivating groups with suitable
15 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide? Discuss the mechanism
involved in the presence and absence of peroxide.
a) When benzene treated with n-propyl chloride will not give the n-propyl benzene as a
major product why? Discuss the mechanism.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Methyl group in benzene ii) Amine group in
What are elimination reactions? Discuss the kinetics, mechanism, orientation and reactivity
of E1 reaction.
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in benzene ii) Nitro group in
19 a) Define and classify carbocation. Add a note on stability of carbocation.
b) Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 reactions.
What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Explain the theory of reactivity and
orientation with examples.

Short Essays:
1 Discuss the Bayer?s strain theory with limitations.
2 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
3 Explain the mechanism of free radical addition reaction with suitable example.
4 Discuss allyl radical as resonance hybrid with orbital pictures.
5 Explain the mechanism of Benzoin condensation.
6 Why carboxylic acid are acidic in nature? Write the effect of electron withdrawing groups
on acidity.
7 Define and classify poly nuclear hydrocarbons. Outline the Howarth?s synthesis of
8 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
9 Define and classify carbenes. Write any two methods of generation of carbenes
10 Discuss the mechanism of 1,2 & 1,4 addition reaction with examples
11 Write the general reaction of nucleophilic addition in aldehydes. Add a note on Grignard
12 Carboxylic acids are acidic in nature, Why? Chloro acetic acid is more acidic than acetic
acid. Give reason.
13 Define with example a) Angle strain b) Huckel?s rule c) Poly nuclear hydrocarbons d)
Electrophiles e) Nucleophiles.
14 What happens when isobutyl alcohol is treated with sulphuric acid? Discuss the
15 What is peroxide effect? Write its mechanism.
16 Discuss allyl cation as resonance hybrid with orbital picture.
17 Outline the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
18 Explain ionisation of carboxylic acid and write the structure of carboxylate anion.
19 What are cycloalkanes? Write any three methods of preparation.
20 Explain dehydration of alcohol with mechanism.
21 Discuss the stability of conjugated dienes with examples.
22 Explain Cannizzaro condensation with mechanism.
23 Write the conversion of acid to acid chloride, amide and ester.
24 Explain the mechanism of Markovnikov?s rule with suitable example.
25 Predict the alkenes obtained from dehydrohalogenation of a) 1-chloro pentane b) 2-chloro
pentane c) 2-chloro 2-methyl pentane
26 Explain the mechanism of anti-Markovnikov?s addition reaction with suitable example.
27 Outline the synthesis of Anthracene by Haworth?s method.
28 Write the mechanism of Claisen condensation
29 Explain the resonance structure and molecular orbital picture of carboxylate anion.
30 Discuss the stability of cycloalkanes.
31 Write the mechanism and orientation of E
reaction with suitable example.
32 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide in presence of peroxide?
Discuss the mechanism.
33 Explain the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
34 Explain the acidity of carboxylic acid and the effect of substituents on acidity.
35 Write the Haworth synthesis of naphthalene.
36 What is Aldol condensation? Discuss the mechanism involved.
37 Discuss the Mechanism and reactivity of Elimination Uni-molecular reaction by selecting
an appropriate example.
38 Define and classify attacking reagents with examples.
39 What are Cycloaddition reactions? Explain Diel?s alder reaction with mechanism.
40 Why conjugated dienes are more stable than non conjugated dienes explain.
41 Give one method each for the conversion of carboxylic acids into acid chlorides, ester and
42 Explain the factors affecting nucleophilic aliphatic substitution reaction
43 Explain Sache- Mohe theory and moleculecular orbital concept of cycloalkanes.
44 Write a note on hyper conjugation with suitable examples.
45 Define esterification. Add a note Hatu coupling reaction.
46 Explain esterification reaction with mechanism.
47 Write the difference between SN
and SN
48 Write any three methods of preparation of cycloalkanes.

Short Answers:
1 What is Frie?s rearrangement? Write an example
2 Define diazocoupling reaction with example.
3 Write the Hoffmann rearrangement with example.
4 Define and classify carbanion with examples
State saytzeff?s rule.
6 Write the chlorination of methane.
7 Outline the generation of free radicals.
8 Define metamerism with example.
9 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a)Formic acid b) Neopentane
10 Write the structure of a) Acetanilide b) Acetophenone
11 Write Smith reaction with examples.
12 Outline the Gattermann reaction with example.
13 Write the possible resonance structures of phenoxide ion
14 Define Hofmann?s elimination with example.
15 Write the stability of free radicals with example.
16 Define Homolytic bond breaking with example.
17 Why ethanol is higher boiling point than the dimethyl ether?
18 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Isopropyl alcohol b) Ethyl acetoacetate
19 Write structure of cis and trans 2-butene.
20 What is Williamson?s synthesis? Give an example.
21 Write diazotisation reaction with example.
22 Define and classify nitrenes.
23 Write the stability of carbanion.
24 Write the difference between E1 and E2 reaction.
25 What is free radical substitution reaction? Give an example
26 Classify free radicals with examples.
27 Define functional and positional isomerism with example.
28 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Acetic acid b) Formamide
29 Write the structure of a) Aniline b) o-cresol
30 Write the structure of a) 2-bromo 3-methyl hexane b) Methanol
31 Define and classify hydrogen bond with example.
32 Write any one method for formation of free radicals with example.
33 Elimination vs Substitution reactions.
34 What is Crossed Aldol condensation reaction? Give example.
35 Why aliphatic amines are more basic than aromatic amines?
36 What is Sandmeyer?s reaction?
37 Write the effects of substitution on acidity of Phenols.
38 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Acetone b) Diethyl ether
39 What is Beckmann?s rearrangement?
40 Write the conversion of phenol to salicylaldehyde in presence of chloroform & base
41 Arrange the order of basicity of aniline, trimethyl amine & methyl amine. Give reason.
42 What is Knoevengels condensation?
43 Define and classify Carbenes.
44 Write the order of relative reactivity of different halogen with methane
45 Write the stability order of free radicals. Give reason.
46 Define Inductive effect with example.
47 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Ethyl methyl ketone b) Diethyl ether
48 Write the structure of a) Ethyl acetate b) Salicylic acid
49 What is Kolbe?s reaction?
50 Write the effects of substituents on basicity of aliphatic amines.
51 Define saytzeff?s rule.
52 Write the Bromination of methane
53 Outline the stability of free radicals based on bond dissociation energy.
54 Define Geometrical isomerism with example
55 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Isobutane b) Dimethyl ketone
56 Write the structure of a) 1,3- butadiene b) 2,4,6-tribromo aniline
57 What are polar Aprotic solvents? Give two examples.
58 Compare the basicity of the following: Methyl amine with Aniline
59 Write the structure and IUPAC name of: a) Ethyl alcohol b) Acetylene - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Bank
Long Essay:
1 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Enlight the concept of rearrangement reaction of carbocation with suitable examples
a) Define activating and deactivating groups with examples.
b) Discuss the mechanism of Nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
3 a) Discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
4 a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.
b) Halogens are deactivating group but ortho & para director. Give reasons.
5 Explain kinetics, mechanism, stereochemistry and reactivity of SN
6 a) What is electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Classify substituent groups with
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation with their limitations.
7 a) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of SN
b) Describe the mechanism of dehydration of alcohol.
8 a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s acylation with suitable example.
b) Write the reactivity and orientation of aniline toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
9 a) Explain the factors affecting SN
& SN
b) Explain the kinetics and mechanism of E
a) What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Discuss the mechanism of
Nitration of benzene.
b) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft?s alkylation.
Discuss the mechanism, stereochemistry and kinetics involved in unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution reaction selecting an appropriate example
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in phenol ii) Nitro group in
a) Discuss the rearrangement of carbocation with suitable examples.
b) Explain kinetics and mechanism of SN
reaction by selecting an appropriate example.
a) Give the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction with suitable
b) Explain the reactivity and orientation of activating and deactivating groups with suitable
15 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide? Discuss the mechanism
involved in the presence and absence of peroxide.
a) When benzene treated with n-propyl chloride will not give the n-propyl benzene as a
major product why? Discuss the mechanism.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Methyl group in benzene ii) Amine group in
What are elimination reactions? Discuss the kinetics, mechanism, orientation and reactivity
of E1 reaction.
a) Classify the substituent groups based on orientation and reactivity.
b) Discuss the orientation effect of i) Hydroxyl group in benzene ii) Nitro group in
19 a) Define and classify carbocation. Add a note on stability of carbocation.
b) Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 reactions.
What is Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction? Explain the theory of reactivity and
orientation with examples.

Short Essays:
1 Discuss the Bayer?s strain theory with limitations.
2 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
3 Explain the mechanism of free radical addition reaction with suitable example.
4 Discuss allyl radical as resonance hybrid with orbital pictures.
5 Explain the mechanism of Benzoin condensation.
6 Why carboxylic acid are acidic in nature? Write the effect of electron withdrawing groups
on acidity.
7 Define and classify poly nuclear hydrocarbons. Outline the Howarth?s synthesis of
8 Write the kinetics and mechanism of E
9 Define and classify carbenes. Write any two methods of generation of carbenes
10 Discuss the mechanism of 1,2 & 1,4 addition reaction with examples
11 Write the general reaction of nucleophilic addition in aldehydes. Add a note on Grignard
12 Carboxylic acids are acidic in nature, Why? Chloro acetic acid is more acidic than acetic
acid. Give reason.
13 Define with example a) Angle strain b) Huckel?s rule c) Poly nuclear hydrocarbons d)
Electrophiles e) Nucleophiles.
14 What happens when isobutyl alcohol is treated with sulphuric acid? Discuss the
15 What is peroxide effect? Write its mechanism.
16 Discuss allyl cation as resonance hybrid with orbital picture.
17 Outline the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
18 Explain ionisation of carboxylic acid and write the structure of carboxylate anion.
19 What are cycloalkanes? Write any three methods of preparation.
20 Explain dehydration of alcohol with mechanism.
21 Discuss the stability of conjugated dienes with examples.
22 Explain Cannizzaro condensation with mechanism.
23 Write the conversion of acid to acid chloride, amide and ester.
24 Explain the mechanism of Markovnikov?s rule with suitable example.
25 Predict the alkenes obtained from dehydrohalogenation of a) 1-chloro pentane b) 2-chloro
pentane c) 2-chloro 2-methyl pentane
26 Explain the mechanism of anti-Markovnikov?s addition reaction with suitable example.
27 Outline the synthesis of Anthracene by Haworth?s method.
28 Write the mechanism of Claisen condensation
29 Explain the resonance structure and molecular orbital picture of carboxylate anion.
30 Discuss the stability of cycloalkanes.
31 Write the mechanism and orientation of E
reaction with suitable example.
32 What happens when propene is treated with hydrogen bromide in presence of peroxide?
Discuss the mechanism.
33 Explain the mechanism of Perkin?s condensation.
34 Explain the acidity of carboxylic acid and the effect of substituents on acidity.
35 Write the Haworth synthesis of naphthalene.
36 What is Aldol condensation? Discuss the mechanism involved.
37 Discuss the Mechanism and reactivity of Elimination Uni-molecular reaction by selecting
an appropriate example.
38 Define and classify attacking reagents with examples.
39 What are Cycloaddition reactions? Explain Diel?s alder reaction with mechanism.
40 Why conjugated dienes are more stable than non conjugated dienes explain.
41 Give one method each for the conversion of carboxylic acids into acid chlorides, ester and
42 Explain the factors affecting nucleophilic aliphatic substitution reaction
43 Explain Sache- Mohe theory and moleculecular orbital concept of cycloalkanes.
44 Write a note on hyper conjugation with suitable examples.
45 Define esterification. Add a note Hatu coupling reaction.
46 Explain esterification reaction with mechanism.
47 Write the difference between SN
and SN
48 Write any three methods of preparation of cycloalkanes.

Short Answers:
1 What is Frie?s rearrangement? Write an example
2 Define diazocoupling reaction with example.
3 Write the Hoffmann rearrangement with example.
4 Define and classify carbanion with examples
State saytzeff?s rule.
6 Write the chlorination of methane.
7 Outline the generation of free radicals.
8 Define metamerism with example.
9 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a)Formic acid b) Neopentane
10 Write the structure of a) Acetanilide b) Acetophenone
11 Write Smith reaction with examples.
12 Outline the Gattermann reaction with example.
13 Write the possible resonance structures of phenoxide ion
14 Define Hofmann?s elimination with example.
15 Write the stability of free radicals with example.
16 Define Homolytic bond breaking with example.
17 Why ethanol is higher boiling point than the dimethyl ether?
18 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Isopropyl alcohol b) Ethyl acetoacetate
19 Write structure of cis and trans 2-butene.
20 What is Williamson?s synthesis? Give an example.
21 Write diazotisation reaction with example.
22 Define and classify nitrenes.
23 Write the stability of carbanion.
24 Write the difference between E1 and E2 reaction.
25 What is free radical substitution reaction? Give an example
26 Classify free radicals with examples.
27 Define functional and positional isomerism with example.
28 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Acetic acid b) Formamide
29 Write the structure of a) Aniline b) o-cresol
30 Write the structure of a) 2-bromo 3-methyl hexane b) Methanol
31 Define and classify hydrogen bond with example.
32 Write any one method for formation of free radicals with example.
33 Elimination vs Substitution reactions.
34 What is Crossed Aldol condensation reaction? Give example.
35 Why aliphatic amines are more basic than aromatic amines?
36 What is Sandmeyer?s reaction?
37 Write the effects of substitution on acidity of Phenols.
38 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Acetone b) Diethyl ether
39 What is Beckmann?s rearrangement?
40 Write the conversion of phenol to salicylaldehyde in presence of chloroform & base
41 Arrange the order of basicity of aniline, trimethyl amine & methyl amine. Give reason.
42 What is Knoevengels condensation?
43 Define and classify Carbenes.
44 Write the order of relative reactivity of different halogen with methane
45 Write the stability order of free radicals. Give reason.
46 Define Inductive effect with example.
47 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Ethyl methyl ketone b) Diethyl ether
48 Write the structure of a) Ethyl acetate b) Salicylic acid
49 What is Kolbe?s reaction?
50 Write the effects of substituents on basicity of aliphatic amines.
51 Define saytzeff?s rule.
52 Write the Bromination of methane
53 Outline the stability of free radicals based on bond dissociation energy.
54 Define Geometrical isomerism with example
55 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Isobutane b) Dimethyl ketone
56 Write the structure of a) 1,3- butadiene b) 2,4,6-tribromo aniline
57 What are polar Aprotic solvents? Give two examples.
58 Compare the basicity of the following: Methyl amine with Aniline
59 Write the structure and IUPAC name of: a) Ethyl alcohol b) Acetylene
60 Write the structures of: a) 2, 2-Dimethyl propane b) 3-Chloro pentanone.
61 Write the structure and IUPAC name of a) Acetaldehyde b) Acetone.
62 Write the structure of a) ortho- hydroxy benzoic acid b) 2-methyl cyclopentanone.
63 What is mesomeric effect? Give an example.
64 What is elimination reaction? Give an example.
65 Define carbanion. Write one method of formation of carbanion.
66 Define amines. Give the reason why amines are basic in nature
67 What is Curtius rearrangement?
68 Why phenols are acidic in nature.
69 What are leaving groups? Give example.
70 What is crossed Cannizzaro reaction
71 Give reason, why carbon tetrachloride has a zero dipole moment
72 Write the structure and IUPAC name of: a) Methyl formate b) Isopropyl alcohol.
73 What is chain reaction of methane?
74 Give the reason why trimethylamine is less basic than dimethyl amine.
75 Write the structures of: a) 3-methyl-2- butanone b) 2-Hexenal.
76 What is Reimer-Tiemann reaction? Write an example.
77 What is homolytic fission? Give example.
78 What is keto-enol tautomerism? Give example.
79 Write the halogenation of methane.
80 Write the structure and IUPAC name of: a) tert-Butyl chloride b) Formamide.
81 What happens when Grignard reagent reacts with ketone?
82 Write the structures of: a) Methyl salicylate b) m-Dinitrobenzene - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 02 March 2020
