Download KUHS First Year 2023 November 112001 Human Anatomy Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS First Year (1st Year) 2023 November 112001 Human Anatomy Paper II Previous Question Paper

2019 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 112001
Reg. no.: .....................
First Professional MBBS Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations
November 2023
Human Anatomy - Paper II
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers
? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Long Essays
1. A 65-year-old man who was Chronic Smoker and Tobacco chewer for past 15 years,
came to hospital with ulcerated lesion on the anterior part of the Tongue, which bleeds
on touch. He was unable to swallow and foul smell was emitting from his mouth. O/E
he had enlarged Submandibular and lower cervical lymph nodes. He was diagnosed
with Carcinoma of the Tongue
a) Based on anatomical knowledge, what are the external features of Tongue
b) Name the muscles of tongue with their nerve supply
c) Describe the Blood supply and Lymphatic drainage of Tongue
d) Explain the development of tongue
2. Describe the Anal canal under the following Headings
a) Extent of the Canal
b) Interior features of the Anal canal
c) Blood and Nerve supply of the Anal canal
d) Anatomical basis of haemorrhoids
Short essays
3. Describe the supports of uterus
4. Describe the Functional areas and Blood supply of Superolateral surface of Cerebral
5. Describe the Gall bladder under the following-
a) Location b) Parts c) Applied anatomy
6. Explain the microscopic structure of pituitary gland
7. Boundaries and contents of sub occipital triangle
Short answers
8. Superficial perineal pouch
9. Microscopic structure of retina
10. Features of nasopharynx
11. What is the anatomical basis of umbilical hernia
Draw a neat labeled diagram
12. Draw a neat labelled diagram of midbrain at the level of Superior Colliculus
Name the following
13. Nuclei of cerebellum
14. Name two arteries of Coeliac trunk
15. Name two bones derived from 2nd Pharyngeal arch
16. Name two cranial nerves at Ponto medullary junction
17. Name the Sinuses opening into the Middle meatus
18. Name two muscles of soft palate
19. Two modifications of spinal piamater
20. Contents of Alcock's canal
21. Name two cartilages of Larynx
22. Two true ligaments of liver

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024