Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Second Year (2nd Year) 2019 Scheme 2024 June 216001 Microbiology Paper II Previous Question Paper
2019 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 216001
Reg. no.: .....................
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
June 2024
Microbiology - Paper II
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers
? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Long Essays
1. A 11-year-old girl, presented with history of agitation, delirium, abnormal behavior,
hallucinations, difficulty in swallowing liquids and fear of water. Her parents reported that
she was bitten by a stray dog on her right leg two months prior to presentation for which
she had received only oral antibiotics and injection tetanus toxoid.
a) What is your clinical diagnosis and name the causative agent.
b) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the causative agent.
c) Describe the pathogenesis.
d) Discuss the laboratory diagnosis in detail.
e) Add a note on the prophylactic measures available for this disease. (2+2+3+4+4)
2. A 40-year-old male presented to pulmonary medicine outpatient department with history
of productive cough of more than 3 weeks duration, evening rise of temperature and
loss of weight. Microscopic examination of sputum showed acid fast bacilli.
a) What is the most probable clinical diagnosis
b) Name the etiological agent
c) Discuss the pathogenesis of the disease
d) Describe the lab diagnosis in detail
e) Add a note on the drug resistance seen in this organism
f) Name the national programme for this disease
Short essays
3. Describe the etiological agents, clinical types and laboratory diagnosis of
4. Describe the laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis of tetanus
5. Discuss the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria
6. Describe the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis of poliomyelitis
7. Free living amoebae
Short answers
8. Prions
9. Antigenic variations in influenza virus
10. A CSF sample was received in microbiology lab without requisition form. How will you
manage this situation
11. Standard tests for syphilis
12. Laboratory diagnosis of mycetoma
Objective type questions
13. Name TWO oncogenic DNA viruses
14. Name ONE parasite affecting lungs
15. Name TWO fungi causing otomycosis
16. Name TWO etiological agents of non-gonococcal urethritis
17. Name TWO etiological agents causing opportunistic mycoses
18. Name TWO zoonotic infections
19. Name TWO bacterial agents causing a typical pneumonia
20. Name the causative agent and vector of plague
21. Name TWO bacteria causing neonatal meningitis
22. Name TWO viruses causing congenital infections
This post was last modified on 02 December 2024