Download KUHS Second Year 2019 Scheme 2024 June 211001 Pharmacology Paper I Question Paper

Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Second Year (2nd Year) 2019 Scheme 2024 June 211001 Pharmacology Paper I Previous Question Paper

2019 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 211001
Reg. no.: .....................
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
June 2024
Pharmacology - Paper I
(General Pharmacology, ANS, CNS, CVS, Blood, Diuretics, Autacoids, Respiratory System)
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers
? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Long Essays
1. Classify general anaesthetics. Write the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects
of Halothane. Enumerate four drugs used as pre-anaesthetic medication with its
rationale for use. Discuss the management of Morphine poisoning.
2. Ms. X, 50 year attended outpatient's department with H/o giddiness and headache. Her
blood pressure recording was 160/96 mm Hg. Diagnosis was essential hypertension
(a) Name four drug groups with two examples which can be given for this patient.
(b) Write the mechanism of action, two uses and two adverse effects of any two of
the above drug groups.
(c) Enumerate four drugs which can be given for hypertension in pregnancy.
(d) Briefly describe management of hypertensive emergency.
Short essays
3. Discuss the factors modifying drug action. Describe the clinical importance of plasma
protein binding of drugs.
4. Discuss the management of drug induced Parkinsonism. Discuss the management of
megaloblastic anaemia.
5. (a) Discuss the management of cardiogenic shock.
(b) Discuss the treatment of status asthmaticus.
6. (a) Alpha blockers (b) Enumerate the uses of prostaglandins
7. (a) Diazepam (b) Describe the management of Acute Myocardial Infarction. (4+4)
Short answers
8. Pharmacological basis of Adrenaline in Anaphylactic shock.
9. Pharmacological basis for the use of Protamine sulphate in heparin overdosage.
10. Pharmacological basis for the use of Timolol in glaucoma.
11. Treatment of organophosphorous poisoning.
12. Drugs used in migraine prophylaxis.
Choose the Appropriate Drug and Justify:
13. Atropine / Homatropine for refraction testing.
14. Promethazine / Levocetirizine for a machine operator.
Name the following (Two examples for each):
15. Nasal decongestants.
16. Mucolytics.
17. Drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease.
18. Osmotic diuretics.
19. Parenteral iron preparation.
20. Drugs with low therapeutic index.
21. Antipsychotics.
22. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024