Download KUHS Third Year 2024 February 2019 Scheme 316001 Community Medicine Paper I 2019 Scheme Question Paper

Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Third Year Part 1 (3rd Year) 2024 February 2019 Scheme 316001 Community Medicine Paper I 2019 Scheme Previous Question Paper

Q.P. Code: 316001
Reg. no.: .....................
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Regular/Supplementary
Examinations February 2024
Community Medicine - Paper I
(2019 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between
answers ? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essays
1. A 5-year-old boy belonging to lower socio-economic status was referred to a Tertiary
Care Hospital for investigation of a Persistent Anaemia, but on examination had mild
pitting oedema in both legs, his hair was pale and easily pluckable and a soft liver edge
was palpable. A dietary history revealed that for about 2 years the child's diet had
contained very little protein.
a) What is your provisional diagnosis
b) What is Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM). Describe the epidemiology,
classification, etiology, signs and symptoms of PEM.
c) Discuss the preventive and control measures of PEM
d) What are the socio-cultural factors contributing to PEM in India
e) What measures the Government of India is taking to control Malnutrition in India,
discuss the National Programmes related to it and services provided at each
level of Health Care
2. Sindhu 32 years female, resident of Varanasi frequently bathes in the river Ganges. She
brings home water from the river for consumption. She develops a skin condition for
which she consults a doctor.
a) What could be the reason behind the skin condition
b) Define Safe Water. Enumerate the sources of water
c) What are the methods for purification of water on small scale
d) Discuss in detail about rapid sand filter method of water purification
e) Write a note on the bacteriological quality of drinking water (1+3+3+3+5)
Short Essays (5x8=40)
3. A case control study was conducted to determine the Association between colon cancer
and high fat diet. Discuss the various steps involved in Case Control studies based on
the above example
4. Discuss the natural history of disease with a suitable diagram.
5. Describe the cultural factors influencing health and disease.
6. Describe the integrated vector control measures against mosquitoes.
7. Discuss the principles of health education.

Short Answers (5x4=20)
8. Role of fats in disease.
9. Discuss the measures of central tendency.
10. Describe the socio-economic determinants of health.
11. Discuss sampling methods.
12. Enlist the disease criteria for screening.
Precise Answers
13. List any two factors used to measure social differentiation.
14. What is general fertility rate.
15. Enlist any two methods for removal of temporary hardness of water.
16. What is social institution.
17. Define impairment.
18. What is confounding factor.
19. Any two differences between eugenics and euthenics
20. Common manifestations of riboflavin deficiency, any two.
21. __________________ is the food toxin that causes endemic ascites.
22. This symbol signifies __________________

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024