Download KUHS Fourth Year 2024 March Scheme 10 General Surgery I Question Paper

Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Third Year Part 2 (4thYear/Final Year) 2024 March Scheme 10 General Surgery I Previous Question Paper

Reg. No.: .....................
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations
March 2024
General Surgery - I
Time: 3 Hours
Max marks: 60
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers
Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space ? Answer all parts of a single
question together
Leave sufficient space between answers ? Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Write section A and section B in separate answer books (32 Pages). Do not mix up questions from
section A and section B.
Q P Code: 307001
Section A ? Surgery (GIT)
Marks: 30
Structured Essay
1. An elderly female presented with pain and distension of abdomen with reduced
appetite and loss of weight since 4 months. The patient also complains of yellowish
discolouration of skin, eyes and passage of clay coloured stools since one month. On
examination scratch marks present all over the body.
a) What is the probable diagnosis
b) What are the relevant investigations
c) Discuss the management
Short essays
2. Choledochal cyst
3. Koch's abdomen
Clinical Situation
4. A 20-year-old presented with pain right lower abdomen of one day duration. He gives
h/o pain around the umbilicus on the previous day. He also has nausea and fever of
one day duration
a) What is the most probable clinical diagnosis
b) What are the relevant investigations
c) Describe briefly about management
Short notes

5. Achalasia cardia
6. Umbilical hernia
7. Mention causes of reflux esophagitis
8. Complications of splenectomy
9. Types of colostomy
Q P Code: 312001
Section B ? Orthopedics
Marks: 30
1. Classify shoulder dislocation. Describe clinical features, diagnosis and management of
anterior dislocation of shoulder in adults.
Short essays
2. Management of Brodie's abscess
3. Bone grafts
4. McMurray's test
5. Tennis elbow
Short notes
6. Plaster of Paris
7. Pseudoarthrosis
8. Osteoid osteoma
9. Barlow's test
10. Baker's cyst
11. Thomas splint

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024