Download KUHS Fourth Year 2024 March Scheme 19 General Surgery II 2019 Scheme Question Paper

Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Third Year Part 2 (4thYear/Final Year) 2024 March Scheme 19 General Surgery II 2019 Scheme Previous Question Paper

Reg. No.: .....................
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Regular Examinations
March 2024
General Surgery ? II
(2019 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between
answers ? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Write section A and section B in separate answer books (32 Pages). Do not mix up questions from
section A and section B.
Q.P. Code: 324001
Max. Marks: 70
Section A ? General Surgery Including Anesthesiology, Dental Sciences and
1. 27year old male patient presented with pain in right lower abdomen, vomiting and fever of
3 days duration. On examination there is tachycardia, pyrexia and tender mass in right
iliac fossa.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis
b) What are the relevant investigations
c) How do you treat this patient
2. 35year old male patient with history suggestive of peptic ulcer disease presents to
emergency with complaints of severe diffuse abdominal pain, vomiting and abdominal
distension of 1 day duration. On examination, abdomen is distended, tender with guarding
and rebound tenderness.
a) What is your probable diagnosis
b) How do you manage this patient
Short essays
3. Amoebic liver abscess
4. Ameloblastoma
5. Regional anaesthesia
6. Mammography
Shorts answers
7. Urolithiasis
8. Causes of Haematuria
9. Complications of gall stones
10. How will you counsel a patient for radiotherapy for a recently diagnosed cancer rectum
Precise answers

11. Circumcision
12. Complications of ulcerative colitis
13. Mesenteric cyst
14. Diagnosis and treatment of acute intussusception
15. Goodsall's rule

Q.P. Code: 325001
Max. Marks: 30
Section B ? Orthopedics Including Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1. Describe etiopathogenesis, clinical and pathological features of Osteosarcoma.
Management of Osteosarcoma of Proximal Tibia in a 20-year-old patient.
Short Essays
2. Management of a 2-year-old child presenting with suspected Septic arthritis of Knee.
3. Describe the Gustilo-Anderson fracture classification and management of Open fractures.
4. Classification of Joints.
Short notes
5. Role of exercise as a therapeutic modality.
6. Differences between Primary and Secondary fracture healing.
Precise Answers
7. Radiological findings of Chronic Osteomyelitis.
8. Gun Stock deformity.
9. Three clinical tests for Ulnar nerve (Function).
10. Deformities in Tuberculosis of the Knee.
11. Tension Band Wiring-principle.
12. Deformities in Congenital Talus Equino Varus.

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024