VNSGU BA 2019 1st Year 2119 Political Science Paper 1 Question Paper

VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) BA (Bachelor of Arts) 2019 1st Year 2119 Political Science Paper 1 Previous Question Paper

R A N - 2 1 1 9
First Year B.A. (External) Examination
March / April - 2019
Political Science Paper - I
(Basic Principles of Political Theory)
(Core Course) (Principal)
Time: 3 Hours ]
[ Total Marks: 100
k|Q"p : / Instructions
"uQ? v$ip?h?g r"ip"uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu `f Ah?e gMhu.
Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
First Year B.A. (External)
Name of the Subject :
Political Science Paper - I
Subject Code No.: 2
Student's Signature
??-1 fp?eip" A?V$g? iy,,? s?"p A?epk"y,, dl?h kd?hp?.
??-1 Ap??V$u""p kph?cp?d?h"p rk?p,,s"u QQp? L$fp?.
??-2 L$pev$p? A?V$g? iy,,? s?"p Dv?$ch"p "p?sp?"u QQp? L$fp?.
??-2 gp?L$iplu"p? A'? Ap`u s?"p ?L$pfp? S>Zphp?.
??-3 gp?L$"p? kpdprS>L$ L$fpf"p? rk?p,,s kd?hp?.
??-3 fp?e"u ?ep?ep Ap`u fpS>e A"? kdpS> h?Q?"p? k,,b,,^ kd?hp?.
RAN-2119 ]
[ 1 ]
[ P.T.O. ]

??-4 kdp"sp"p? A'? kd?hu s?"p ?L$pfp?"u QQp? L$fp?.
??-4 "d|mc|s Ar^L$pfp?' - A? rhje D`f r"b,,^ gMp?.
??-5 V|,,$L$"p?^ gMp?. (Nd? s? b?)
(1) L$?epZ fp?e"p dfrS>eps L$pep?
(2) fpS>L$ue Ar^L$pfp?
(3) gp?L$iplu"p gpc
(4) kh?S>" k,,L$?`
Q-l What is Political science ? Discuss the importance of its study.
Q-l Discuss Austin theory of Sovereignty
Q-2 What is Law ? Discuss its sources of origin.
Q-2 Give the meaning of democracy and mention its types.
Q-3 Explain the theory of social contract by Lock.
Q-3 Define state. Explain the relationship between state and society.
Q-4 Give the meaning of equality and discuss its types.
Q-4 Write essay on - Fundamental rights
Q-5 Write short notes (any two)
(1) The Voluntary functions of welfare state
(2) Political rights
(3) Merits of democracy
(4) General Will
RAN-2119 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 300 ]

This post was last modified on 03 January 2021