VNSGU BA 2019 1st Year 2122 History Paper 2 Question Paper

VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) BA (Bachelor of Arts) 2019 1st Year 2122 History Paper 2 Previous Question Paper

R A N - 2 1 2 2
First Year B.A. (External) Examination
March / April - 2019
History Paper - 2
(Western World Mid 15th Century to 1945 A.D.)
(Principle) (Core - Course)
Time: 3 Hours ]
[ Total Marks: 100
k|Q"p : / Instructions
"uQ? v$ip?h?g r"ip"uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu `f Ah?e gMhu.
Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
First Year B.A. (External)
Name of the Subject :
History Paper - 2
Subject Code No.: 2
Student's Signature
(2) v$f?L$ ??"p kfMp dpL?$k R>?.
?.1. "h?N?rs dpV?$"p L$pfZp? A"? `qfZpdp? hZ?hp?.
?.1. ^d?ky^pfZp dpV?$"p S>hpbv$pf `qfbmp? S>Zphu s?"u Akfp? QQp?.
?.2. B. k. 1776"u Ad?qfL$" ?$p,,rs"p L$pfZp? A"? `qfZpdp? hZ?hp?.
?.2. B. k. 1789"u ?p,,k"u ?$p,,rs"p L$pfZp? S>Zphu s?"u Akfp? QQp?.
?.3. ?'d rh?ey?^"p L$pfZp? A"? `qfZpdp? S>Zphp?.
?.3. V|,,$L$"p?^ gMp?:

(1) hk??k"u k,,r^
(2) fp?V?$k,,O"u r"?amsp"p L$pfZp?
RAN-2122 ]
[ 1 ]
[ P.T.O. ]

?.4. frie" ?$p,,rs sfa v$p?fu Ne?gp dy?e `qfbmp? kd?hu s?"p `qfZpdp? QQp?. (20)
?.4. CV$pgudp,, apkuhpv$"p? Dv$e A"? rhL$pk hZ?hp?.
?.5. S>d?"udp,, "pTuhpv$ krh?spf QQp?.
?.5. V|,,$L$"p?^ gMp?:

(1) bu? rh?ey?^"p L$pfZp?
(2) ey"p?"u rk[?^Ap?
Instructions :
(1) As per the instruction no 1 of Page no. 1
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1. Describe the causes and consequences of Renaissance.
Q.1. Discuss the causes and impact of the Reformation of religion.
Q.2. Describe the causes and consequences of the American Revolution (20)
1776 A.D.
Q.2. Discuss the causes and impact of the French Revolution 1789 A.D. (20)
Q.3. State the causes and consequences of the First World War.
Q.3. Write notes on:
(1) Treaty of Versailles
(2) The causes of the failure of League of Nation
Q.4. Explain the main forces that led to the Russian Revolution and discuss
its impact.

Q.4. Describe the rise and growth of Fascism in Italy.
Q.5. Discuss in detail the Nazism in Germany.
Q.5. Write notes on :
(1) The causes of Second World War
(2) The achievements of U.N.O.
RAN-2122 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 1100 ]

This post was last modified on 03 January 2021