Download PTU B.Arch 2019 May 4th Sem AR 234 Building Services Ii Question Papers

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University) B-Arch (Bachelor of Architecture) 2019 May 4th Sem AR 234 Building Services Ii Previous Question Papers

1 | M-45033 (S17)-2874

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 01
Total No. of Questions : 08
B.Arch. (Sem.?4)
Subject Code : AR-234
M.Code : 45033
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 50
1. Attempt any FIVE questions in all with atleast ONE question from EACH UNIT.
2. All question carry EQUAL marks.

1) Explain the various types of sewage and storm water disposal system for a town with
population of one million. (10)
2) Explain the sewage disposal system of a hospital building. How it is different from that of
a residential multistoried apartment? Explain. (10)
3) What is the importance of segregation of waste at the point of collection of medical waste
in hospitals? Explain in detail. (10)
4) Explain various stages of treatment of water before its distribution at city level for human
consumption. (10)
5) Explain the water distribution system of city of chandigarh. (10)
6) Explain the water supply system of fifteen storey high apartment building. Support your
answer with various appurtenances in the distribution system and schematic section. (10)
7) Explain the following :
(a) Task light for residential spaces. (5)
(b) Illumination required for commercial and education buildings. (5)
8) (a) Explain in detail the calculation of sky component for the calculation of daylight
factor. (5)
(b) Explain the following :
i) Luminance flux (2.5)
ii) Illuminance (2.5)
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This post was last modified on 03 April 2020
