Download OU B.Pharma 1st Year 2015 6034 Pharmaceutics I (General And Dispensing Pharmacy) Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2015 6034 Pharmaceutics I (General And Dispensing Pharmacy) Previous Question Paper

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OU - 1701 OU - 1701
Code No. 6034 / S
B. Pharmacy I ? Year (Supplementary) Examination, November 2015
Subject: Pharmaceutics ? I (General & Dispensing Pharmacy)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70
Note: Answer All questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Discuss about the procedure for registration as pharmacist. 7
b) Write about the United States Pharmacopoeia. 7
c) Discuss the pharmacy as a career. 6
d) Prepare 1000 grams of dilute acid from acetic acid (acetic acid B.P. ? 33% w/w; Dil.
Acetic acid ? 6% w/w). 4
d) Give the calculations for 100 g powder containing 8% of substance to be made from
10% and 2%. 4
2 a) Define prescription and describe the different parts of prescription. 7
b) Write a note on organoleptic additives used in the formulations. 7
c) Define the following dosage forms: 4x2
i) Draughts
ii) Irrigation solutions
iii) Creams
iv) Aromatic waters.
d) Add a note on containers used for packaging of dispensed products. 6
3 a) Write the principle and procedure of the following preparations:
i) Cresol soap solution 3
ii) Tincture of iodine 3
b) Discuss the following:
i) Creaming 2
ii) Emulsifying agents 2
iii) Phase inversion 2
iv) Caking 2
c) Distinguish the following:
i) Deflocculated and flocculated suspensions 3
ii) Pessaries and suppositories 2
iii) Floccules and granules 3
iv) Creaming and cracking 3
v) Lotions and liniments 3
?2. - FirstRanker's Choice
OU - 1701 OU - 1701
Code No. 6034 / S
B. Pharmacy I ? Year (Supplementary) Examination, November 2015
Subject: Pharmaceutics ? I (General & Dispensing Pharmacy)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70
Note: Answer All questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Discuss about the procedure for registration as pharmacist. 7
b) Write about the United States Pharmacopoeia. 7
c) Discuss the pharmacy as a career. 6
d) Prepare 1000 grams of dilute acid from acetic acid (acetic acid B.P. ? 33% w/w; Dil.
Acetic acid ? 6% w/w). 4
d) Give the calculations for 100 g powder containing 8% of substance to be made from
10% and 2%. 4
2 a) Define prescription and describe the different parts of prescription. 7
b) Write a note on organoleptic additives used in the formulations. 7
c) Define the following dosage forms: 4x2
i) Draughts
ii) Irrigation solutions
iii) Creams
iv) Aromatic waters.
d) Add a note on containers used for packaging of dispensed products. 6
3 a) Write the principle and procedure of the following preparations:
i) Cresol soap solution 3
ii) Tincture of iodine 3
b) Discuss the following:
i) Creaming 2
ii) Emulsifying agents 2
iii) Phase inversion 2
iv) Caking 2
c) Distinguish the following:
i) Deflocculated and flocculated suspensions 3
ii) Pessaries and suppositories 2
iii) Floccules and granules 3
iv) Creaming and cracking 3
v) Lotions and liniments 3
OU - 1701 OU - 1701
Code No. 6034 / S
4 a) Discuss about the different types of ointment bases with examples for each. 8
b) Write the preparation of the following: 6
i) Simple ointment
ii) Compound zinc paste
c) Discuss about the different gelling agents used for preparation of jellies. 8
d) Select a suitable dosage form, write the principle, procedure, formula and mention
incompatibility if any to dispense the following prescription. 6
Arachis oil ? 25 ml Tetracycline HCl ? 250 mg
Purified water upto ? 100 ml Take along with milk.
5 a) Write the diagnostic uses of radiopharmaceuticals. 7
b) Discuss the procedure of percolation process for extraction of crude drugs. 7
c) Write about the official medicinal gases and their uses. 8
d) Define the following: 6
i) Decoction
ii) Infusion
iii) Tincture.
**** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 03 May 2020