Download OU B.Pharma 1st Year 2016 6032 Anatomy, Physioloy And Health Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2016 6032 Anatomy, Physioloy And Health Previous Question Paper

Code No. 6032
B. Pharmacy I Year (Main) Examination, April 2016
Subject : Anatomy, Physioloy and Health Education
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 (a) (i) Define tissue. Classify varis types of connective tissues and explain any two
with a neat labeled diaram. (8)
(ii) Explain eneral principles of membrane permeability. (6)
(b) (i) Write a note on bone tissue. (8)
(ii) Explain the followin bones with a neat diaram. (6)
(a) Sternum (b) Clavicle
2 (a) (i) Describe the structures and functions of brainstem. (8)
(ii) Explain the followin: (6)
(a) Neuron (b) anlion (c) Synapse
(b) Define clot. Explain varis pathways in the process of blood clottin. Write a
note on role of Vitamin K in blood clottin. (14)
3 (a) (i) Discuss the importance of enzymes in the process of diestion. (8)
(ii) Describe the histoloy of small intestine. (6)
(b) (i) Define Vital capacity. Discuss abt neuronal reulation of respiration. (8)
(ii) Discuss the disorders of pituitary land. (6)
4 (a) (i) What is FR? Explain varis factors affectin FR. (8)
(ii) Explain the physioloy of Smell. (6)
(b) (i) Explain in detail abt the anatomy of Ear. (8)
(ii) Write abt structure and functions of taste bunds. (6)
5 (a) (i) Describe sins, symptoms and different staes of inflammation. (8)
(ii) Write abt varis intrauterine devices in family plannin. (6)
(b) (i) Define Shock. Discuss different types of shock. (8)
(ii) Write a note on edema and Embolism. (6)
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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