Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2017 1060 Anatomy Physioloy and Health Education Previous Question Paper
Code No. 1060
B. Pharmacy I ? Year (Supplementary) Examination, November 2017
Subject : Anatomy, Physioloy and Health Education
Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 70
Note : Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) i) Define Tissue. Classify varis types of muscle tissues and explain them
with a neat labeled diaram. 8
ii) Explain eneral principles of Membrane Permeability. 6
b) i) Explain the varis parts of the followin bones with neat diarams 8
a) Humerus b) Sternum c) Fibula d) Sacrum
ii) Discuss the functions of connective tissue. 6
2 a) i) Discuss abt physioloy of Nerve impulse. 8
ii) Write abt functions of hypothalamus. 6
b) i) Define cardiac cycle and describe the events involved in cardiac cycle. 8
ii) Define Blood Pressure. What are the factors affectin Blood Pressure? 6
3 a) i) Define Hypoxia. Explain Physioloy of respiration. 8
ii) Write abt histoloy of small i ntestine. 6
b) i) Explain Anatomy of respiratory system. 8
ii) Explain Disorders of hypo and hyper secretions of thyroid land. 6
4 a) i) Explain the anatomy of eye with diaram. 8
ii) What is FR and explain factors affectin FR. 6
b) i) Describe the physioloy of hearin. 8
ii) Discuss the anatomy of Taste bud. 6
5 a) i) Write abt varis temporary contraceptive methods. 8
ii) Write a note on Neoplasm. 6
b) i) Describe the sins, symptoms and different staes of inflamm ation. 8
ii) Write abt functions and deficiency disorders of Vitamin A. 6
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