Download OU B.Pharma 1st Year 2017 1064 Basic Computer Applications Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2017 1064 Basic Computer Applications Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 1064
B. Pharmacy I ? Year (Supplementary) Examination, November 2017
Subject : Basic Computer Applications
Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 70
Note : Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) What is computer? Write characteristics of computers. 7
b) Explain different types of printers. 7
c) Discuss i) Manetic tapes ii) RAM & ROM
d) Write features of MS DOS & Unix operatin systems.
2 a) Explain i) Input tput s tatements ii) Operators and Expression in C lanuae. 9
b) Write a proram for multiplication table. 5
c) What are varis control statements used in C lanuae. Explain branchin
statements with examples.
3 a) Describe abt MS Office tools.
b) Discuss abt formattin pararaphs and tab les in a document usin MS Word.
c) Explain i) Charts and raphs ii) Transitions and Animations
iii) Data types and formulas
4 a) Write abt i) Views in power point ii) Transitions and Animations
iii) Wizards and Templates iv) Slide desin and Back rnds
b) What is Database and RDBMS? 4
c) Write briefly abt database creatin in MS Access. 4
d) Write a note on i) Sortin and Filterin ii) Table relationships 6
5 a) Explain the followin i) Types of indexin tools and search strateies
ii) Internet iii) E mail iv) Search enines
b) Write abt SQL commands.
c) Write comparison for MS Access and SQL server.
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