Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2018 13028 Pharmaceutical Inoranic Chemistry Previous Question Paper
Code No. 13028/Non CBCS
B. Pharmacy I?Year (Non CBCS) (Backlo ) Examination, December 2018
Subject : Pharmaceutical Inoranic Chemistry
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) i) Explain the principle, procedure and the role of reaents involved in the limit
test for Iron and chlorides 5+5
ii) Write two confirmations tests for sodium and bicarbonate ions 4
(b) i) Explain the classification of Inoranic pharmaceuticals based on use with
examples 9
ii) Mention the principle and procedure involved in the limit test for heavy metals 5
2. (a) i) Define and classify acidifiers or acidifyin aents 4
ii) Mention the method of preparation, properties, assay and uses of sodium
chloride and potassium citrate 5+5
(b) i) What are adsorbents? Write a note on Heavy kaolin 6
ii) Mention the preparation, properties, limit tests & uses of sodium phosphate
manesium trisilicate 4+4
3. (a) i) What are suspendin aents? Write a note on colloidal silica and Activated
charcoal 9
ii) Mention the method of preparation and uses of Aluminum phosphate and
metabit sulphite 5
(b) i) Explain the method of preparation, properties, and uses of 5+4+5
ii) Ferrs Fumarate (ii) Manesium Stcarate (iii) Zink Chloride
4. (a) i) Define and classify expectorants with examples 5
ii) Write the preparation, assay and uses of Zink Sulphate and Potassium Iodide 4+5
(b) Mention properties and uses of i) Sodium nitrite ii) Nitrs oxide 3+3+4+4
iii) Potassium antimony tartarate iv) Ammonium chloride
5. (a) Mention properties and uses of i) Ammoniated mercury ii) Calcium carbonate
iii) Potassium perchlorate iv) Cisplatin 3+4+4+3
(b) i) What are Astrinents? Write the method of Preparation and uses of copper
sulphate and stanns fluoride
ii) Mention, Preparation, assay and uses of Boric acid and Hydroen peroxide
******* - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 03 May 2020