Download MBBS Final Year 2024 March 526081 General Medicine Paper I Mcqs Question Paper

Download MBBS (A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery ) Final Year (4th Year) 2024 March 526081 General Medicine Paper I Mcqs Previous Year Question Paper

[MBBS 0324] MARCH 2024 Sub. Code :6081
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)

Q.P. Code: 526081
Time: 30 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)
1. The common human tendency to rely on the first piece of information is a feature of one
of the following types of Cognitive bias
A) Anchoring Bias B) Ascertainment Bias C) Availability Bias D) Hindsight Bias
2. A harmful episode that occurs when patient is taking a drug irrespective of whether
the drug is suspected of being the cause is termed
A) Side effect B) Hypersensitivity reaction C) Adverse event D) Drug toxicity
3. Which one of the following is an Autosomal recessive condition?
A) Marfan Syndrome B) Long QT Syndrome
C) Brugada Syndrome D) Pendred Syndrome
4. In which of the following conditions is Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) increased
and C reactive protein (CRP) normal?
A) Crohn's disease B) Polymyalgia Rheumatica
C) Ulcerative Colitis D) Inflammatory Arthritis
5. Which one of the following drugs is a Calcineurin Inhibitor?
A) Azathioprine B) Belatacept C) Cyclosporin D) Mycophenolate Mofetil
6. An aggreg
ation of cases of an infectious disease that are closely grouped in time and
place and may or may not exceed the expected numbers is termed as
A) Cluster B) Epidemic C) Outbreak D) Pandemic
7. Which of the following drugs is a Lincosamide group of antibiotic used primarily for skin,
soft tissue, bone and joint infections
A) Azithromycin B) Clindamycin C) Clarithromycin D) Erythromycin
8. Which of the following statement is correct about Cauda Equina lesion of the spinal cord?
A) Weakness is asymmetrical B) Increased Knee Jerk
C) Decreased Ankle jerk D) Sensory loss is symmetrical in saddle distribution
9. Which one of the following is a cause of Hypoxaemia due to Ventilation -Perfusion
A) Lung Collapse B) Alveolar Haemorrhage
C) Silent aspiration of gastric contents D) Acute Exacerbation of Asthma
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10. Which one of the following Vasoactive agents has inotropic & chronotropic actions
but NO vasoconstrictor action?
A) Dobutamine B) Epinephrine C) Norepinephrine D) Vasopressin
11. One of the following is a Diethyl Organophosphorus compound
A) Dichlorvos B) Chlorpyrifos C) Methamidophos D) Malathion
12. Catecholamine storm like syndrome is classically seen after
A) Bee sting B) Wasp sting C) Scorpion sting D) Snake Bite
13. Core Temperature between 28 ? 32 degree centigrade is which stage of Hypothermia?
A) Stage I B) Stage II C) Stage III D) Stage IV
14. Which one of the following organisms is the most common cause of central venous
catheter infection?
A) Staphylococcus aureus B) Coagulase negative staphylococcus
C) Pseudomonas fluorescens D) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
15. All of the following can cause Infectious Mononucleosis Syndrome EXCEPT
A) Cytomegalovirus B) Toxoplasmosis
C) Human Herpes virus -3 D) Human Immunodeficiency virus
16. First Heart sound is soft in
A) Anaemia B) Heart failure C) Mitral Stenosis D) Pregnancy
17. Which one of the following is true about Ventricular Tachycardia?
A) Narrow QRS complex in ECG
B) Responds to Carotid Sinus Massage
C) Intravenous Adenosine is treatment of choice
D) Atrio Ventricular Dissociation
18. Increased capillary permeability causes oedema in which of the following condition?
A) Congestive Heart Failure B) Nephrotic syndrome
C) Local inflammation D) Malignancy
19. About 65% of filtered sodium is reabsorbed in
A) Proxima
l Convuluted tubule B) Distal Convuluted tubule
C) Ascending limb of Loop of Henle D) Descending limb of Loop of Henle
20. Which one of the following is a relative contraindication for Renal Biopsy?
A) Thrombocytopenia B) Uncontrolled Hypertension
C) Kidneys <60% of predicted size D) Solitary kidney
[MBBS 0324]

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