Download MBBS Final Year 2024 May 526083 General Surgery Paper I Supplementary Mcqs Question Paper

Download MBBS (A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery ) Final Year (4th Year) 2024 May 526083 General Surgery Paper I Supplementary Mcqs Previous Year Question Paper

[MBBS 0524] MAY 2024 Sub. Code :6083
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)

Q.P. Code: 526083

Time: 20 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Causes of cardiogenic shock include all except
A) Cardiomyopathy B) Cardiac dysrhythmias
C) Hemorrhage D) Myocardial injury
2. Complications of massive blood transfusion include all except
A) Hypocalcemia B) Hyponatremia C) Hyperkalemia D) Hypothermia
3. Sentinel node biopsy can be done in all EXCEPT
A) Carcinoma breast B) Carcinoma penis
C) Malignant melanoma D) Carcinoma stomach
4. Criteria for Damage Control Surgery are all except
A) Hypothermia B) Acidosis C) Serum lactate <2mmol/L D) Coagulopathy
5. Most common thyroid malignancy is
A) Follicular carcinoma thyroid B) Papillary carcinoma thyroid
C) Medullary carcinoma thyroid D) Anaplastic carcinoma thyroid
6. The gastrinoma triangle is bounded by all except
A) Junction of neck and body of the pancreas
B) Junc
tion of cystic and common bile duct
C) Junction of second and third part of duodenum
D) Junction of head and neck of pancreas
7. All are true about MEN 1 except
A) Autosomal dominant
B) It is rare condition
C) It accounts for 40% of primary hyperparathyroidism in patients under 30 years
D) It was originally called as Wermer's disease
8. Serous nipple discharge occurs in the following conditions except
A) Duct ectasia B) Ductal Papilloma C) Ductal carcinoma D) Ductal hyperplasia
9. A tender thrombosed subcutaneous cord like structure in the breast in a 40 yr old
female is pathognomonic of
A) Duct ectasia B) Mondor's disease
C) Periductal mastitis D) Lymphatic permeation of occult carcinoma
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10. Oncoplastic procedure of cancer breast include
A) Volume displacement surgery B) Breast conservation surgery
C) Wide local excision D) Nipple-sparing mastectomy
11. Which is parotid duct
A) Stensens duct B) Rivnus duct
C) Santorini duct D) Wharton's duct
12. Following statements are true regarding Raynaud's disease except
A) It is an idiopathic condition
B) Usually, it is due to abnormal sensitivity to cold
C) It is a manifestation of collagen disease
D) It occurs in the use of vibrating tools
13. According to Well's criteria, deep vein thrombosis is most common in
A) Patients with tachycardia B) Patients bed-ridden for more than 3 days
C) Patients with pitting oedema D) Patients with intra-venous drug abuse
14. In Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, all are true except
A) Patient will have bone hypertrophy
B) Cutaneous naevus will be present
C) Arteriovenous fistulae will be present
D) Large lateral anomalous axial vein will be present
15. A risk factor for Barrett's oesophagus and related neoplasm is
A) Chronic gastro-oesophageal reflex disease B) Younger age
C) Female gender D) Alcoholism
16. The gold standard investigation for carcinoma stomach is
A) USG B) CT C) UGI endoscopy D) MRI
17. According to AAST classification, grade 3 liver injury is
A) Intraparenchymal haematoma< 10 cm B) Capsular tear of 1-3 cm
C) Subcapsular haematoma> 50% surface area D) Parenchymal disruption
18. Primary Lumb
ar Hernia occurs through
A) Inferior Lumbar triangle B) Superior Lumbar triangle
C) Arcuate line D) Mid line
19. Biliary scintigraphy is useful in all except
A) Bile leaks B) Assess the patency of bilioenteric anastomosis
C) Acute Cholecystitis D) Choledocholithiasis
20. Backwash ileitis occurs in
A) Irritable bowel syndrome B) Crohn's disease
C) Ulcerative colitis D) Necrotising enterocolitis
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