Download MBBS Final Year 2024 May 526086 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Supplementary Mcqs Question Paper

Download MBBS (A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery ) Final Year (4th Year) 2024 May 526086 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Supplementary Mcqs Previous Year Question Paper

[MBBS 0524] MAY 2024 Sub. Code :6086
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)

Q.P. Code: 526086
Time: 20 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Chemotherapy of choriocarcinoma is with
A) Methotrexate B) Bleomycin C) Busulphan D) Cyclophosphamide
2. Commonest malignancy of body of the uterus is
A) Adenoacanthoma B) Sarcoma
C) Squamous cell carcinoma D) Adenocarcinoma
3. The spinbarkeit of cervical mucous is maximum in
A) Early proliferative phase B) Ovulatory phase
C) Secretory phase D) Menstrual phase
4. Most common site of genital tuberculosis
A) Fallopian tube B) Uterus C) Ovary D) Vagina
5. Commonest manifestation of endometriosis is
A) Infertility B) Pain C) Leukorrhoea D) Bleeding
6. The size of mature ovum
A) 100 - 110
B) 120 - 140 C) 140 - 160 D) 180 - 200
7. For sex determination smear is taken from
A) Nose B) Buccal mucosa C) Vagina D) Skin
8. Strawberry vagina is seen in infection with
A) Hemophilus vaginalis B) Trichomonas vaginalis
C) Moniliasis
D) Herpes simplex
9. MIRENA IUD contains
A) Levonorgestrel B) Regestrone
C) Medroxyprogesterone D) Ethinylestradiol
10. Treatment for nulliparous prolapse is
A) Manchesters operation B) Sling surgery
C) Vaginal hysterectomy D) Vaginal pessary
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11. Tranexamic acid is useful in
A) Dyspareunia B) Endometriosis
C) Menorrhagia D) Stein Levinthal syndrome
12. Fertilisation occurs in
A) Ampulla B) Isthmus C) Fimbria D) Uterus
13. Ovarian tumors causing masculinisation are
A) Arrhenoblastoma B) Dysgerminoma
C) Gonadoblastoma D) Granulosa cell tumor
14. Artificial insemination of husband semen is indicated in
A) Tubal factor B) Cervical factor C) Ovarian factor D) Pituitary factor
15. Estrogens are contraindicated in
A) Senile vaginitis B) Senile endometritis
C) Endometrial carcinoma D) Contraception
16. Not a cause of hirsuitism is
A) Granulosa cell tumor B) Arrhenoblastoma
C) Polycystic ovary D) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
17. Secondary amenorrhoea after abortion is seen in
A) Anemia B) Uterine atresia
C) Imperforate hymen D) Asherman syndrome
18. Endometrial thickness in a postmenopausal women
A) 2 mm B) 4 mm C) 6 mm D) 7 mm
19. In a lactating mother oral pills of choice is
A) Triphasic pill B) Sequential pill C) Mini pill D) Combined pills
20. In young women deep conisation may lead to all except
A) Midtrimest
er abortion B) Sterility
C) Premature labour D) Cervical dystocia
[MBBS 0524]

This post was last modified on 03 December 2024