Download MBBS (A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery ) Final Year (4th Year) 2024 March 526084 General Surgery Paper II Mcqs Previous Year Question Paper
[MBBS 0324] MARCH 2024 Sub. Code :6084
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526084
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Answer Section A and Section B separately in respective Answer scripts
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(10 x 1 = 10)
1. The following are Non absorbable suture materials EXCEPT
A) Silk B) Nylon C) Polypropylene D) Polydioxanone
2. The ideal time for orchidopexy in a child with palpable undescended testis
A) Above 2 years B) Between 6 and 18 months
C) Between 18 and 24 months D) Before 6 months
3. The intra cardiac lesions described in Tetralogy of Fallot are the following EXCEPT
A) VSD B) Overriding of Aorta
C) Coarctation of the Aorta D) Pulmonary stenosis
4. What is the size of the blade used in Incision and Drainage?
A) 15 size B) 11 Size C) 22 size D) 13 size
5. Central Venous pressure is raised in which of the following Shock?
A) Neurogenic B) Anaphylaxis C) Cardiogenic D) Hypovolemic
6. Lucid Interval is seen in
A) Extradural
Haematoma B) Subdural Haematoma
C) Subarachnoid Haematoma D) Scalp Haematoma
7. Frey's Syndrome is due to injury of which of the following nerve branch?
A) Trigeminal Nerve B) Vagus Nerve
C) Facial Nerve D) Glossopharyngeal Nerve
8. Retrosternal goitre approach is
A) Trans thoracic 2nd ICS B) Trans thoracic 4th ICS
C) Trans sternal via anterior mediastinum D) Transcervical approach
9. Borrmann staging is done for which of the following cancer?
A) Oral cancer B) Bladder cancer C) Gastric cancer D) Colon cancer
10. RIGLER Triad is present in
A) Paralytic Ileus B) Gall stone ileus C) Acute Cholecystitis D) Intussusception
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III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(10 x 1 = 10)
1. Froment's sign is positive in case of weakness of
A) Thumb adduction B) Thumb abduction C) Thumb flexion D) Thumb extension
2. A patient complaints of flexion of interphalangeal joints and hyperextension of
MCP joints of hand. He is most likely suffering from
A) Posterior interosseus Nerve palsy B) Dupuytren's contracture
C) Claw hand D) Erb's palsy
3. Galeazzi fracture is
A) Supracondylar fracture of humerus
B) Fracture of distal radius with distal radio ulnar joint dislocation
C) Fracture of radius with dislocation in proximal site and dislocation of elbow
D) Fracture of radial head
4. Mclaughlin's line helps to identify
A) Supracondylar fracture in children B) Radial head dislocation or subluxation
C) Shoulder dislocation D) Hip dislocation
5. Fat embolism is characterised by all except
A) Tachycardia B) Hypoxemia C) Fat globules in urine D) Thrombocytosis
6. Fallen fragment sign in cystic bone lesions is related to
A) Osteitis fibrosa cystica B) Fibrous dysplasia
C) Enchondroma D) Unicameral bone cyst
7. The following are ultrasound features of metastatic lymph node except
A) Hypoechoic node B) Round in shape
C) Bean in shape D) Loss of Fatty Hilum
8. Hutchinson's teeth is associated with
A) HIV B) Spirochaetal infection
C) Congenital syphillis D) Sickle cell Osteomyelitis
9. If a patient is able to tolerate an oropharyngeal air way it indicates
A) Good level of consciousness B) Sign of Good airway
C) Need for tracheal intubation is more D) It is not a worrisome sign
10. Dentinogenesis imperfecta (D1) in osteogenesis imperfecta is
A) Always associated with all cases of osteogenesis imperfecta
B) Due to defect in Type II collagen
C) Primary dentitions are affected
D) Clinically manifest as brown / yellow discolouration of teeth
[MBBS 0324]
This post was last modified on 03 December 2024