Download GTU B.Tech 2020 Winter 5th Sem 3151707 Microcontroller And Interfacing Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad) B.Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology/ Bachelor of Engineering) 2020 Winter 5th Sem 3151707 Microcontroller And Interfacing Previous Question Paper

Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.___________ 1
Subject Code:3151707 Date:29/01/2021
Subject Name:Microcontroller and Interfacing
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks: 56
1. Attempt any FOUR questions out of EIGHT questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Which bits of PSW are responsible for selection of banks? By default 03
which bank gets selected? And show how to select the bank 2 with
instruction after power up.

(b) Draw circuit diagram of XTAL connection and power on RESET 04
circuits for the 8051 microcontroller.

(c) Write an 8051 assembly language program to generate a square wave 07
of 100kHz, 50% duty cycle on the P1.7 pin using timer 1 in mode1.
Show your delay calculations assuming crystal frequency of 22MHz.
Q.2 (a) Show the interfacing of eight keys with Port 0 to read inputs in Micro- 03
controller 8051.

(b) Write the pros and cons for Microcontroller programming in C 04

(c) How the Timer 0 and 1 are started and stopped by instructions. Show 07
the delay calculations for generating a square wave of frequency 2
KHz using Timer of MC on any pin using Mode 1 assuming crystal
frequency of 12 MHz.
Q.3 (a) Write the structure of TMOD and explain Modes in brief.

(b) Write the steps required to program 8051 to transfer data serially.

(c) Connect a switch to INT0 interrupt pin and LED to P1.3 of MC 8051. 07
Write an assembly language program to toggle LED when switch is
not pressed. Stop the toggling and put LED in ON status if switch is
pressed. Keep this continuously. Make use of interrupt in your
program. (No credit will be given without interrupt).

Q.4 (a) With suitable diagram and explanation show the working 03
Timer/Counter if GATE bit is set to 1 in TMOD Register.

(b) Write the steps required to program 8051 to receive data serially.

(c) Explain Interrupt vs. Polling. Also describe the steps in executing an 07
interrupt. List out the interrupts Micro-controller 8051 with its vector
Q.5 (a) Write the factors affecting the accuracy of generation of delay in 03

(b) Draw the timing diagram of performing ADC conversion by 04

(c) Describe the various addressing modes for accessing memory in 8051 07

Q.6 (a) Write the function executed by LCD, when following commands are 03
given to LCD.
1)01H 2) 0CH 3) 38H

(b) Give the summary of various data types with their data range used in 04
C language.

(c) Show the diagram interfacing DAC0808 with MC 8051. What will be 07
output amplitude from DAC, if input digital number applied is FFH
from MC.
Q.7 (a) Draw the connections with 8051 micro-controller to build any 03

(b) Explain ADDC and DIV instructions with example.

(c) Draw interfacing diagram of 4X4 Matrix key board with 8051 and 07
write an assembly language program to display which key is pressed
on seven segment display.

Q.8 (a) Explain PUSH and POP instruction
(b) Explain Four directives of 8051- ORG, END DB, EQU
(c) Draw diagram to interface six lead stepper motor with 8051 with 07
driver and Write an Assembly language program to rotate stepper
motor continue in clock wise direction in four step mode.

This post was last modified on 04 March 2021